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The Harkey Family
Farming was the chosen profession for most of the Harkey family. William and Elizabeth's oldest son, Oscar, became a dentist and was known in the community as "Doc" Harkey. Alonzo (Lon) Harkey, their second child, was a postmaster in Sidonia from November 5, 1902 until July 13, 1903. He also owned and operated the hardware store in Sharon, Tennessee, which was later owned by his son, Burney Harkey.
Margaret Christina Harkey Mowery's death is recorded in the February 14, 1930, Dresden Enterprise. It reads, "Saintly Mother Called Home - Aunt Christy Harkey Mowery passed away Tuesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Vick Wright, near Sidonia after an illness of several weeks. She was in her 84th year. Mrs. Mowery was a sister to Uncle Bill Harkey, who died several weeks ago, and the widow of the late Adam Mowery, whose death occurred five years ago. Two daughters survive this good woman - Mrs. Vick Wright and Mrs. Lula Gardner. Services were conducted at Hopewell Wednesday by Revs. O. A. and S. C. Gardner. The remains were laid to rest at Mt. Vernon. Practically all her life the deceased had been a loyal, steadfast member of the C. P. church at Hopewell. She was a dearly beloved woman and not only the children and near relatives will miss her in the community, but many to whom she had ministered in days gone by."
Most of the Harkey family are buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Sharon; however, Margaret Boger Harkey is buried in the Harkey Cemetery. James A. and Dora Harkey are buried in the Beard Cemetery and Jess Harkey is buried in the Pleasant Grove (Old Baptist) Cemetery.