Call of Cthulhu

This was a game that I set up for Rolf and his friend Aart.

The two chcracters, William and Marcellus, are unknown to each other
yet they both receive a letter from one of their old tutors at University to
come to his house under great secrecy and importance.
William takes a horse and carriage, and Marcellus walks to the nearby town.
Upon arriving, Professor Atkins beckons them in quickly, looking around nervously
As the gentlemen step into his house. He hurridly shows them a statue that he found
on one of his archealogical digs, it is a small staute and is strangely deformed...
He doesn't know much about it, so he asks the two gentlemen if they could help him
into some research about the idol. He also mentions that he has been fearful of his
life since he found it... people have been looking at him funny, and he always has
the feeling like he is being watched..... He suggests that they rest the night, and talk
more the following day... The next day, he informs the two that he has some thing to do
but that they should meet at 9.00pm by the docks when it will be dark, as he believes
that it is too dangerous to be in the house any longer. He hurridly leaves...
Discussing the situation, William and Marcellus decide that it would be better to get
the statue out of the house, and hide it somewhere away from danger... So William
stays inside the house, while Marcellus goes to find a good hiding place. Marcellus
walks to the docks where they are to meet Prof Atkins later on, and tries to find a good
ventilation shaft in one of the warehouses to stash the statue, however although he
is able to unsrew any of the grates easily, once he tries to screw it back he finds that
it is too difficult, so after a couple of attemps, he decides to hide it under a jetty, close
to the water... He looks around and there is no-one in sight.. so he hides the statue...
While he is gone, William explores the various libraries in Prof Atkins house..
He finds out that it is the statue of an ancient God that used to be worshipped in
this area, and that there was some disappearances about 20 years ago, and people
stopped worshipping this God, however there are still some people who do worship
this God, and the townspeople leave them well alone.......

William also finds $25,000 of Professor Atkins savings hidden in the library and quickly
pockets it..... On Marcellus' return, the two venture into town to possibly obtain some
more information, and decide to try the University. They approach the reception and
are met with an abrupt receptionist who gives out little to no information. Marcellus
angered by this grabs the Recptionist and punches her full in the face, and she
gives them the information that they need...... they go on their way!!!
They go to the religion department where they speak with a nervous looking tutor,
who gives them little more information than they already had, but does mention
something about an Evans family. Satisfied that the professor will not tell them
any more, they go to the University library to try and find out something more on
this Evans family... but they only find out that they are all dead and buried in the local
cemetary..... Once they have found out as much as they can in the town, they go
to the dock to meet Prof Atkins... It is 9.00 and he isn't there.... it gets to 10.00 and he still
doesn't show... Marcellus searches the area and find tire tracks that lead to a particular
jetty and away again... they check to see if the statue is still there, but is has gone....!!!

They decide to go back to the Professors house to see if he is there..... they arrive at
his house to find his car outside, but there are no lights on in the house, and the front
window has been smashed...Marcellus creeps inside the window, and lets William in
through the front door. They search the house, only to find the libraries have been
and the books that William found earlier are gone... They find Prof Atkins in his study
tied up and gagged. Upon release he informs the two that he didn't see who did this
as he was hit on the back of the head and passed out.. but they must have been
looking for the statue... Seeing that their only point of investigation not yet explored
is the graveyard, William and Marcellus decide to go and find the grave of the Evans
family... Prof Atkins drives them to the cemetary and waits a few streets away in his
car for them to return......Using flashlights, they try to find the grave but the graveyard
it too big, and it is too dark..... so they come across a house with only one light lit, in
the top window. Marcellus goes in and talks to the man he finds there who is very
helpful, and points out the way to the Evans grave. Even his brother who shows up
mid conversation is very friendly... William and Marcellus go to the crypt, open the
lid and jump down... there are three coffins, two have decaying bodies inside, the
other is empty........ they find a pressure pad in one of them and push it, to reveal a
secret door into a much bigger chamber... inside this chamber is a huge temple with
massive statues like the one found by the Proffessor, and a man..... as they near the
man, it looks like it's skin is falling off... it must be the zombie of the Evans father.

Trying to dodge it's grab, William gets some slime on his hand which spreads quickly up
his arm, melting into his skin.... There is no way out!! Then there are voices from behind,
the two brothers have come to see if they were alright, and they have rope. They lower
the rope down and William and Marcellus run for safety...... Once they are at the top,
one of thebrothers chops of Williams arm, to stop the slime spreading any further. Then the
brothers produce shotguns! They tell William and Marcellus to get out of town and never
come back, and when they try to find back, the brothers shoot them.... stumbling away
badly wounded, as the run through the cemetary, they notice that there are loads of people
out on all sides of them with torches and guns, and it sounds like they're out to get them..!!!
William makes a run for it and gets to the car safely and makes his escape with Proffessor
Atkins. Marcellus on the other hand, wasn't quite fast enough, and was shot sending him
unconcious... and it wasn't long before the townsfolk finished him off to protect their secret....