Dungeons & Dragons


This was one of the games that we played in Scotland, fairly basic, but it was Rolf's first game. Players are Rolf and Jamie, who split the characters between them

Finding themselves in a mountain pass, their mission is to destroy the
Zombies which have been terrorising the local villages
They find a door into the side of a mountain, Graywulf the warrior pulls
Open the door with his immense strength. Delavan reads the runes around
The doorway that speak of terrors inside.... cautiously they enter and are immediately
Attacked by five zombies. They swing their weapons violently only hitting the night air
at first. But then their swords find decaying flesh and the zombies fall to dust.
Pleased with their triumph over the undead creatures, they search the room and
Graywulf finds a chest. He thrusts it open violently with his graet strength, and finds a
small bag containing 50 gold pieces. Stardancer finds a trap on the door at the far end
of the room, and opens it safely, using her lockpicking skill.

They follow the passage downwards, until they come to a violently flowing underground
river with a rickety bridge across it... out of the shadows at the far end, two skeletons
emerge... Quickly assessing the situation, Delavan grabs the 50ft long piece of rope from
his bag, and ties it around Graywulf, who runs across the bridge and swings his sword
into one of the skeletons half way, sending it flying into the water and carried away.
Wasting no time, Graywulf continues along the bridge and thrusts his Ancestral
Warhammer into the other skeleton smaking it against the far wall, splintering into pieces.
Once the coast is clear the others cross the bridge one at a time, with the bridge bending
and creaking underneath them until they are all safely across... They pass through the
door at the far end, and find themselves in a passageway which ends in a T Junction...
Stardancer takes the opportunity to steal Graywulf's 50gp, and he doesn't even notice!

Choosing to go left, they following the passage until they come to a large chamber with
an alter at the far end with smoke billowing out of it... sensing danger they backtrack to
the T junction, and take the right hand passageway which leads them to another door.
They open this and find themselves confronted by a large dog which is standing by a
dead body and growling..... Delavan takes his mace, and crushes the dogs head in a
single blow! Searching the body produces a healing potion and another mace.
Stardancer finds the chest in the room is trapped, and opened it safely to find a golden
ring... Zanthar looks at it carefuly and gleans that it is a ring of protection. They head
back to the large chamber. As they head towards the alter, the smoke forms itself into a
gigantic dragon.... Zanthar succeeds in warding it off as Graywulf and Stardancer head
for the alter. Delavan shelters behind Zanthars formidable form. Graywulf shatters the alter
which sends the Dragon into roars of pain... As the dragon spins round to face Graywulf
and Stardancer, Graywulf lunges his Warhammer into the Dragons head defeating it.....
for now.... The warriors are triumphant, and after picking up several trickets left in the
chamber. They head home for a well deserved rest.........
but for how long........ bwahahahahahhahahahaha