Ask... Joanne

She'll throw you a helluva far..

Ghandi - Do you ever get that feeling, when you are lying in your bed,
and its all dark and peacefull - but somehow you can't sleep. And maybe the
wind is gently blowinf the curtains through your open window. Do you ever feel
like, while the cool air caresses yous caresses your skin and the traffic outside
makes a gentle shushing noise wich almost but not quite lulls you to sleep. Do
you ever get the feeling at such times - times when your mind is awake but your
body craves for the sweet release that only deep dream drugged sleep can bring
you. Do you ever feel then - when all things are just so - that you need a fart.
Joanne - Sorry but I've never really had that soon
as my head hits the pillow I am gone within seconds. But that does sound lovely!
Anyway I generally sleep alone.....I can fart when I want to and then just move on
over to the other side of the bed.

Jess Fuckard - When do you know when you've outstayed your welcome
at a gang bang?
Joanne - erm......not really sure if I can answer this for you Mr
Fuckard........cos I am only a young innocent little girl and don't know really know
what your talking about.........what's a gang bang? I did overhear mummy once
saying to daddy that they had been invited to one next door and daddy seemed
really really keen. I do also remember hearing a song about one a wee while
ago............something about a gang bang......and a against a wall. Have you heard
it? I was told the song was from a film, I think, the film starred Rita, Sue and Bob
too! Have you seen this film? Sorry I couldn't answer your question properly Mr
Fuckard...........I will try and do better next time!

RussMeyer - If it was for the lads... would you???
Joanne - hmmm......depends on how much 'the lads' were willing to pay?
But it would cost at least 10 of your pounds to see one of my pounds mate!

Subgirlx - How many leaves does an average tree have?
Joanne - Trees.......with leaves!!!!.........your freakin me out here!!
Tree's don't have leaves........( they????). They certainly don't in the
weeee world that I live in ( it's a much nicer world). Wanna visit? See for yourself?
Come on........ I am sure we can get you sorted out...........just bring along enough
cash (but be careful and watch out for the security!)
p.s Have you got gromit?

Subgirlx - And What is your favourite movie and why??
Joanne - My favourite movie.........hmm that's a tough one!
let me think........... I know this sounds really realy sad but I don't actually have
a favourite film. My favourite type of film is a good ole comedy, although I also
like some of that girly type shit like Ghost, Pretty Woman, Titanic etc. I watched
'The Muppets take Manhattan' the other day.......that wasn't bad (although I may
still have been fairly drunk) but don't ya just lurve kermie!. Robert De Niro is my
favourite actor so anything with him in it is usually good. I also liked The Full Monty,
it was the first and last film I actually bought.......but it had nothing to do with men
getting naked....honest!!!
As my video collection is sooo bad, I will need to borrow something from Mr Browne
or Mr MacLeod, they are always talking about their impressive video collections,
but they do seem reluctant to let me borrow one, but I have no idea why!
p.s. do you have anything to do with the kidnapping of gromit?