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Sno's Feis Diary

***This is not being updated, as I am not feising, but enjoy.***


Arizona State Championships

Another little feis with a big name. But it was very nice. I've never been to an all in one day feis before. (Yes, everyone actually competed on the same day, what a notion) It was very small, but fortunately there were at least 5 people in all my comps, but not everyone was that lucky. My parents came, which was nice. It was a productive feis. I finally got that 2nd in the St. Pat's (Hurray!!) And I got to see all my AZ feis buddies, and Dianna came down from CA too, so we got to chat a bit. I was also pleased with the 3rd in the reel, 4th in the slip jig, 2nd in the treble jig (yes, in the horrible dreadful dance, but I like it now, because I can do the spiffy treble jig now ), and 2nd in the Slip Jig Special! Wow, but now I have to wait until St. Ambrose, and that seems so far away....

Brothers of Saint Patrick

Yet another outdoor feis, and yet another feis on very little sleep. The night before was the big fundraiser for the place I'm doing my internship at, and it was put on by my department, no needless to say, my presence was requested. I had to be there *very* early for figures, but alas, I slept in and woke up about the time I was supposed to be there, but fortunately, I made it there just in the nick of time to do the 2-hand (we got first!!) Then it was a looong wait until solos. The stages were *very* slippery and I slipped in the St. Pat's which was disappointing. I slipped on the Treble Jig too, and forgot my slip jig. Let's just say it was an off day. ~Sigh~ Well, there's another one in a few weeks. I'll just try to get more sleep next time. However, once again Rika and Red did fabulous, and I was very proud of all the other students at my school for the great job they all did at the feis. (Go Mermaid Power!)

Irish Fair

Why are all the outdoor feisanna in the summer? Wouldn't it make more sense to have them in the fall or spring? The new location was much shadier that last year, but it was so HOT. I thought I was going to melt a few times (and nearly did!). There were nice feismoms making sure we had sunscreen on our noses and drank lots of water and sat in the shade (especially me since I don't come with my own feismom). I got 2nd in the light jig, and 3rd in the St. Pats (perhaps I'll finally get that 1st next time :)). I am *very* proud of both Red and Rica, because they both placed so well! We did have lots of fun (even though it was hot) I think next year they should have a swimming pool so we can cool off after our dances! :)

Long Beach Feis

I missed this one last year because I was in China (one of the senior dancers at my school finds this funny for some reason). However -- WE HAVE SCHOOL DRESSES!!!!!! *Finally* I feel so official now, and everyone was going "ooh, what school are you from?" It was fun. It was an outside, but the stage I was on was good at least. I participate in the scholarship Treble Reel special. I didn't win but it was such an experience to get up there and do a treble reel special with champions. It was very cool. I got a 3rd in my hornpipe (I seem to be getting a lot of these) and a 1st in my treble jig!! I nearly fell over. I tend to refer to the treble jig as the "trouble jig", "tribble jig" or "the horrible dance", the second first place in a month; I hope this happens more often. I guess a rally really does have 2 sounds.

Feile Rince Tucson

I had an entourage in tow at this one. My mom and my Aunt came with me. I was very excited because I got new hardshoes. I was holding the straps on with duct tape on the other pair. Reeldancer was there, as was Sunny, Diana and Pixy. There was the most adorable entry in the family special. There was a family 8 hand! Six out of their 7 children (the 7th was an infant) dance with the parents and they were all in costume. It was great! The littlest one seemed to have trouble keeping up with all the long legs, but he certainly knew what to do! The night before a few of us were listening to the Clarevoyants in Enna's car, in the hotel parking lot. People were giving us strange looks. However, "Danny Boy" is a *very* funny song. The next day the comps ran late because instead of having 2 separate rooms, as they usually do, they needed to have only 1 room, so they were running the champion solos and regular solos at the same time. The computers broke as well and all the tabulation had to be done manually. Personally it was an off day. But at least I didn't come away empty handed, I got a 4th in the St. Pat's.

Wild West Feis

Well, this marks one year of feising. I look back and realize that in the past year I've gotten hopelessly addicted to ID. Well, my 'puter ate my term paper, so I was up way to late doing homework, getting even less sleep than last year. But, school is first you know. And, my car broke down so I was panicked about that as well as getting back in time to collect my car so I could get there on Sunday too. Yes, I had the privilege of dancing on both days. Not fun considering all the homework i had. I can study to accordion music, but I don't think I can write term papers to it! It was fun though. I *finally* moved up the treble jig. I even got a 1st, so that was fun, and Red and I got a 3rd in our 2 hand, which was exciting too. I was pleased at how the rest of the feis went, even though the musicians had technical difficulties, especially during my St. Pat's. I was fortunate to bring back lots of shiny objects -- 3rd in the reel, 4th in the single jig and 7th in the hornpipe. ~Can I take a nap now?~

Feis Caledonia

This feis was soo much fun. Most of the usual suspects were there and we had a blast. At lunch there was a big surprise when a cake (with a dancer on it) magically appeared and everyone sang "happy birthday" (the feis was the day after my 22nd birthday). It really meant a lot, especially since my really b-day was not among the most pleasant of birthdays. But since it was my "birthday" the parking guy didn't charge me (hey, I like saving money). I also was sick (boo hiss) and didn't feel well most of the day, but I didn't fall over so it was all good. I did nearly fall over in the slip jig special. I jumped and my feet were said, "uh uh" so I did the wobble thing, but I kept going, which is very important. I also *forgot* the step in my treble jig (and I've had that dance for _how_long?) ooops, I think that was the cold medicine.... But I was extremely pleased at the results, especially since I was not operating on all cylinders -- 2nd in Treble Jig, 2 in Single Jig, 3rd in Reel, 4rd in Hornpipe, 4th in St. Pat's and 5th in the slip jig special.

Conejo Valley Feis

~Note to self: If ever planning a feis, never schedule 13&0's on a Friday Night~ It was a looooong night. I didn't leave 'till 1 am, and there were still comps going. However, at least I was in good company. I saw a lot of old feis buddies, some of which hadn't seen the new dress and curls yet. A few classmates came too. They had never been to a feis before. They had fun, but one told be that accordion music gave her a headache!! There were also plenty of people with Girl Scout Cookies, which was nice, because we all got hungry sitting around waiting for our turns. But, dance is my exercise and my social life, so even thought it was exhausting, it was fun. Besides, what else would I being doing on a Friday night anyways....

"Feis San Francisco"

ROAD TRIP!!!!! My friend Talla and I drove up to San Francisco to morning of the feis, Ok, she drove, I slept. She really enjoys attending feisanna, and like me, had mastered the art of studying to accordion music (hmmm, that wouldn’t be from rooming with me would it?). The funniest thing was when she came up to me and said "Some girl actually GLUED her socks to her shins!!!" I laughed. She was surprised when I told her that this was normal behavior. This was a large feis, and there were alot of really good dancers in attendance, so there were plenty of great feet to watch. Reeldancer from the Message Board was there too -- so I finally got to meet her in person, she's very nice. There were heaps of dancers in my comps, usually between 10-20. I was very happy with my placing, 5th in Treble jig, 4thin St. Pat's and 6th in the Reel. I had fun, I did my best, and I didn't fall down.

"Feis in the Desert"

This was a fun feis. I ran into lots of people that I knew, including the sweetie from last week's feis. My friend Sunny got a beautiful new solo dress. I ran into Pixy, who keeps sweeping her comps, she's such a little darling, I like to tease her that she'll make championships before I do. I won this beautiful hand made dancer doll in the raffle (ok, so my mom won it, she paid for the tickets; I put them in for the prizes I wanted to win and claimed the doll). She's blonde like me too... Diana was there, and I was very proud of her for medaling, she works so hard and deserves every one of them. I had lots of fun (ok, so I always have fun at a feis). I was pleased that I got 3rd in the single jig, 2nd in the treble jig and St. Pats (finally!!), and 4th in the light jig. I wish I had another in Arizona sooner; I've finished all the fudge my mom made me.

"Central California State Championships"

First feis of the year. A small, but very nice, feis with a fancy name. It was an adventure just getting up to Fresno. The grapevine was closed due to snow and we had to go the long way up the coast. Much prettier, but much longer. My comp was 13&O instead of 15&O, which made for some larger comps. They also announced all the awards for all the comps, instead of posting them, which was nice. I met this very nice girl and her mom who traveled up from SoCal. She needed to get out of her slipjig, it was her last in B-2. I wanted to get that one out too, so we made a deal, one of us would get 1st, the other 2nd, so we could both move up. Well, well they announced the comp, she got 1st, I got 2nd. I liked that deal, we'll have to make another one. I also got 1st in the single jig, 4th in the special. It was fun, and nice way to get back into "feis mode." And in class the next day, one of my professors announced to the entire class how I did at the feis. I thought that was neat, she told the class she expected 1st and 2nds from all of us, since we we're all going to be successful business women...


Feis #9 "McElliot Christmas Feis"

Once again I was back on home turf with my own and much beloved "feis mom." This time I wore my wig and new solo dress. (the wig still cracks me up, it's been so long since I've had long hair, I'm actually starting to think about growing it out again...) The first one to see my at the feis (of course) was dear Pixy, who adored the dress and dragged my off to show my dress to her teacher, after she asked me what type of wig I had (you mean they have names????) We were waling thought the hotel and one of the women who worked their asked me how long I had to sleep in curlers to get my hair in ringlets, I replied that it was a wig. Pixy elbowed me in the side and hissed "you're not supposed to say it’s a wig stupid." I had to really try to not burst out laughing. My family came to watch me, but the feis was running so far behind that they all had to leave before I got to dance. It was very cold waiting on those tennis courts for so long. It was dark (and fairly late) by the time my age group came up. *Sigh* well, feisanna are like wrestling tourneys, they're either running really really late if you need to go somewhere, or if you're running late, they're ahead of schedule. It was fun though...I did get 1st in the hornpipe (yay!!), 2nd in the single jig, 3rd in light and treble jigs, and 4th in the slip jig special. I couldn't help feeling a little guilty for going to an out of town feis the weekend before finals and not even bringing any books, not that I ever get any studying done at a feis anyways....

The Western Oireachtas

It was an honor and privilege to dance at the Oireachtas, especially since I was the first to even represent my school. My mother even flew out for it --so I got plenty of sleep and ate all the 'right' things (and who says moms of us "older" dancers aren't involved). It was very, very exciting, and a bit overwhelming. I know I was going for experience and couldn't count on placing, but I've very competitive and secretly hoped for it anyway. It was ton's of fun, especially just to get all dressed up in my new solo dress and see everyone in their dresses. It was also fun to watch. I got to see some *very* good dancing. It was also a honor to dance with all the champion dancers. It was quite humbling to see how far I still need to go. Even though I didn't bring home a trophy, I still got exactly what I came for. Experience.

Feis #8 "Phoenix Feis"

Oh home territory at last!! It was nice to escape reality and go home. My mom accompanied me to this feis. It was set up differently then previous feisanna. All B1's do their reels, then B2's do their reels...etc. The good part was, there was nothing else to do in between our dances other than to watch the other dancers (especially because it was raining). The bad news was it made it really long. I ran into Pixy, who was so excited that she got 1st in her Hornpipe. I also ran into Diana, who like me, is from Phoenix but lives in L.A. I was very disappointed that I didn't place in a single thing. There were a lot of girls from California though, including many I recognized. There were just a lot more dancers than I expected at this feis. Every dance had at least 10 competitors. I did get some very nice complements, especially on my stage presence. I also had fun watching. That's where you learn. I noticed a definite difference between novice and PW, but not as much between B2 and novice as I have at some. My mom had fun too (probably because she made me drive to the far side of town for the feis). So, even thought I didn't place, I'm very glad I went. (not that lots of home cooked food played any part of it).

Feis #7 "Pride of Erin"

I participated in the music competition the night before I danced, which was a lot of fun. We had to play a dance tune and an air. My air was beautiful, the hornpipe, dreadful (I played it like a concert flutist instead of an Irish musician), but we all got gold medals anyways (more shiny objects for my collection) I placed third in the treble jig and the 2 hand, and 2nd in the hornpipe and St. Pats, but, there were less then 5 people in each competition, so I don't get to move up in the hardshoe dances. *sigh* Next weekend! I did make a crucial mistake. I thought that I could make it back to L.A. from S.D. by 6pm, no way did that happen. The feis ran 1 1/2 hours late (and I was not about to ditch my reel). Needless to say I did not make my babysitting job and was apologizing profusely as I was navigating the 5 freeway. ~note to self -- no babysitting after feisanna...~ However, I did buy some spike curlers because I want to wear them for Halloween, and I couldn't resist trying them out on my really-is-too-short-to-curl hair. I never realized that my hair could get so much volume! (Think the stuck-my-finger-in-the-electric-socket look) LOL, perhaps I shouldn't have used the entire packet of thirty...

Feis #6 "St. Ambrose Feis"

I actually got to bed at a half decent time last night, so getting to the feis by 7:30 am wasn't as rough as it usually is. I went Friday night to watch my friends compete so I had already figured out how to get to the Hotel (which can be helpful early in the morning). I thought everything went well (and *hurray* the feis was ahead of schedule). I nailed the rocks in my lightjig (which was a first, I usually nearly fall over) and didn't fall over in the Hornpipe, and placed second in it (much to the amazement of my friend, who's watched me fall over many times), which made me extremely happy! There were two dances where other dancer intentionally tried to dance me off the stage, but I tried not to let it get to me, which is hard. Otherwise, I was very pleased at how I did. I had fun, and did my best (but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't study, *sigh*, oh well).

Feis #5 "Gold Coast Feis"

It seems that all my entries start out with "I stated up way to late last night, again", and last night was no exception. My car died, and I was supposed to get one yesterday, however there were some problems. So, I didn't get my car and had to call my teacher late and ask for a ride. Fortunately, I have a wonderful teacher who doesn’t mind if I call late if there's an emergency and will gladly give me a ride. Once we got there everything went well. I did my dances and got two wonderful complements. I do have a lot of fun performing, even though I get nervous and occasionally forget my steps. It's not like theatre where you can loose yourself in the story, or symphony where you can get lost in the music. I did forget a few minor things, but I covered them up as best as I could, though my teacher noticed. She was sitting in the front looking at me though her croissant trying to make me smile. The floor we danced on was lopsided, but it seems to me that feis floors are never perfect so I am learning to deal with it. I was very disappointed that I didn't place at all. I wanted to place so much and practiced so hard. But as one person pointed out, it's all subjective. Sometimes the judge isn't watching the right places, or seems to always be looking when you make a mistake, and sometimes you're just having an ok (or off) day when everyone else is having a brilliant one. I wasn't having a brilliant day, but it wasn't a horrible one either. But, I just have to remember sometimes why I dance, and that as much as I want to win, that's not why I dance. It can be hard sometimes to remember all the fun you have while you're on stage and forget the disappointment that follows. It's just frustrating. Red's on vacation, so we didn't do our 2-hand, and there was only 1 group in our age group! Pixy was there though; she and her family came up for it. She gave me a huge hug and told me all about her 1st in the slip jig. I let her know how proud I was. One disturbing thing was at this feis I encountered a lot of "studio snobs", which I naively though I left behind when I stopped ballet. I was in the bathroom chatting with a little cutie I seem to run into a lot (I think she's a friend of Pixy's). She was telling me about her adventures in crab catching (since the feis hotel is on the harbor), she had already danced and her curls had gone frizzy and, like most little ones seem to when they're having fun, had managed to get a few smudges on her tank top. The other little girl, not much older, with her perfect curls comes out and says to her "Is this your FIRST feis?" like there's something wrong with it, my cutie replied that she had been competing for three years. "Oh," the other girl replied "You look like it is." I was floored. I ignored the ill-mannered one and proceeded with my conversation with my cutie, but I knew she was hurt. I know kids can be mean, but what was that all about? Hopefully, she was only mimicking an older dancer and is not that malicious at such a young age. I thought we were here to dance. Other then that it was an ok day, though very, very long, since we stayed until the very end to watch the Juniors and Seniors dance. Even though I was disappointed with how I did, it's not the end of the world. I'll just have to practice a little harder and try again next time. I just have to remember all the fun I have when I'm up there and that I, at least, tried.

Feis #4 "Brothers of Saint Patrick"

My roommate was laughing at me last night because of how early I had to wake up to drive all the way to Huntington Beach, and of course, once again, I stayed up to late (hey, it's a Friday night). At least I found it with minimal problems, though they decided to do construction on the 405 this morning, I even found street parking (and everyone from my school knew they were in the right place -- my car is a bit obvious). My solo's went fairly well -- except I blanked on the hornpipe (but I had just learned it) and made the entire thing up. My teacher was also sitting in front making faces at me so I'd smile. My roommate arrived in time for her favorite -- the Saint Pat's! I ended up with a third in my reel and a fourth in the St. Pat's (so close yet so far...) Red and I did our two hand, but our teacher was not given a number for us (though we were registered) so she ended up giving us one of the figure numbers for the one of the adult groups so that we'd have a figure number. My roomie thought it was extremely funny when (in jest) the announcer reminded the adults of the importance of staying hydrated -- and beer was 90% water. At least this feis was not nearly as hot as the last. I did have a lot of fun though (and found a really cute tank with ghillies on it).

Feis #3 "Irish Fair"

I let my friend talk me into spending the night at her place, so I ending up having to leave very early in order to get there. I also forgot directions, so I just "borrowed" her map. I got slightly lost and ended up having to stop at a gas station for directions. I asked for the direction of the race track and the old man answered "Sure I'll go with you to the race track beautiful" (in jest of course), but he did give me directions, after inquiring as to if I was one of those "Irish Dancing People". It sure was hot today, even though the stage was shaded. One of the guys from work was coming to the fair and was going to watch me. I looked for him and never found him. As it turned out he was at the "little stage with big dancers" as he put it -- I was at the "big stage with the little dancers". We had our capes for the first time! Hurray. Now perhaps we won't get mistaken for dancers of a school with similar colors. Red and I did our 2-hand for the first time, it was comedy. I had to buy poodle socks for it, so we'd match, but changed back it my tights for solos -- I just feel more 'dressed' with them, must of been all the ballet. I didn't place in anything, which was a bit of a bummer. But I had fun, and that's all the matters. However, Red got a recall and got 9th in her Slip Jig, so I was very proud of her.

Feis #2 "Feile Rince Tuscon"

I immediately signed up for all Arizona feisanna, any excuse to go home and eat "real" food. My mother has been very excited about coming with me to Tucson, so she can be a "feis mom". I brought her so she'd buy me new ghillies. We drove down to Tucson, not far, but long if your mother keeps telling you to watch your speed. The hotel was very nice-- the pool was fun too. Ran into Pixy and her mom, I met Pixy in the Airport going back to school after Easter break. She immediately adopted me and tired to teach me her 3-hand in the pool, which was funny because she is much shorter then I am. I also found other people to practice with. But my mom was blown away by the spike curlers and fancy dresses. Me, I still have my modest skirt and blouse until our school dresses come. I really liked this feis, it was IMHO well organized and juts a lot of fun (the pool right outside of the ballroom helped). The results also came out quickly. I was very pleased with how I did (except for biffing the St. Pats) 1st in Slip, 3rd in Reel and Light Jig. And, I got my new Ghillies (we'll they're on order) perhaps I should always bring my mom to feisanna...

My First Feis "Wild West Feis"

Last night I had a work function, needless to say we stayed up eating pie and telling stories until way too late and I kinda sorta got back at 3 am. Then, I couldn't sleep. Well, 5 am came way too early. But this is an early (and far away) feis. I hope they're not all this early. I didn't cover my skirt and blouse and they blew off the hanger on the way to my car. I was trying frantically to beat the dirt marks out of it, and I tore the hem out of my skirt when I was putting it on and had to safety pin it. I was very nervous for my reel. My teacher was running between ballrooms -- Red and I were in one, the little kids in another. But it was very comforting to see her watching from the corner. I was concerned about being the only one with short hair, but there are a few short haired girls in my group. I was also one of the few in tights -- I still like them better than socks. Red's whole family came. They adopted me, since it was only me and my car. The results took forever. So, we went out to lunch (in our new school shirts) and came back. I got 3rd in the first feis special. Very cool. I wish we had these all the time!

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