Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs

2003 Updates


11/25/03 - Two updates in a month! Boy this takes me back... This batch of figures takes me almost to the 800 figure mark, but I'm saving that for next update. This time around we have some more Marvel figures, the second (and presumably last) batch of vintage customs and some Clone Troopers.
In the Hasbro The Phantom Menace Section
In the Hasbro Attack of the Clones Section
Mace Windu (Vintage)
Assault Jedi
Clone Commander (Standing)
Clone Commander (Crouching)
Clone Captain (Crouching)
In the Hasbro The Empire Strikes Back Section
FX-10 (Vintage)
In the Hasbro Return of the Jedi Section
Boussh Prototype (Vintage)
Skiff GUard (Vintage)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Republic Section:
Hask (from The Stark-Hyperspace War))
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Kai Justiss's R2 Unit (from Star Wars Gamer)
Mak (from The Battle of Jabiim)
Master Sirrus (from The Battle of Jabiim)
Warble (from The Battle of Jabiim)
Vaabesh (from The Battle of Jabiim)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Early Empire Section:
Santhe Trooper(from Star Wars Miniatures Battles)
Roons Sewell (from The Short, Happy Life of Roons Sewell)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post-Star Wars Section:
Q-7N (from The Rebel Thief)
Voors Voorhorian (from X-Wing Marks the Spot)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Princess Leia (Herdessa from Figurehead)
Mon Mothma (Endor from Escape)
Lando Calrissian (Endor Briefing from Escape)
Luke Skywalker (Kintooine from No Zeltrons!)
Luke Skywalker (Zeltron Party from Nagais and Dolls)

11/1/03 - Got around to it - added many many figures to the site (with many more to come hopefully by the end of the month!) I'm still rather busy, so while I normally set everythign up by section, I'm just doing direct links this time. One special ascpect of this update is that it's the first time I've done vintage customs that aren't just replicas. I never had the desire to do any vintage figures, but I've had a bunch of beaten up extras that I've given up on tyring to trade. It's a bit of a grab bag - prequel figures, vintage figures that were never made, vintage comics figs etc. Enjoy - and don't forget to dorp me a donation :)

Salvage Droid
Neimodian Aide
Count Dooku (Vintage)
Tusken Sniper (Vintage)
Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi (Early Vintage Version)
K-3P0 (Vintage)
Han in Rebel Briefing Gear (Vintage)
General Leia (Vintage)
Black Endor Trooper (Vintage)
Bpfssh Jedi (from Heart of Darkness)
Senator Gunray (from The Stark-Hyperspace War)
Senator Gunray (Coruscant from The Stark-Hyperspace War)
Master Zao (from Darkness)
Clone Child (Red Group)
Marvel Bossk (Vintage)
Dani (Lahsbane from Lahsbane)
Lando (Iskalon from The Iskalon Factor)
Admiral Ackbar (Endor from The Hero)
Duros Thug (from The Hero)
Barney (from The Dream )
Bahb (from No Zeltrons!)
Otuga 333

10/24/03 - To somewhat get this ball rolling, I've updated 3 figures, all from the same comic - The Vandelhelm Mission, which was formally called Search and Destroy when it was a Marvel comic. Nien Nunb, Lando, and The Vandelhelm Kid have now all been restored to thier original color scheme.

And don't forget to hit that Donate Button :)

10/20/03 - Ok, I know it's been a LONG time since I've updated, and I have around 50-somthing new figures to add, if only I can find time to add them. In the meantime I've added a Donations button, which I really hope you'll use :) It's defaulted at $5 - the average price I pay for a figure - but feel free to lower or (preferably) raise the amount. Any and all money I get will go specfifically to buying more figures, and not be wasted on silly things like "food" or "rent" :)

7/19/03 - Well, after a long horrible bout with this thing called "real life" I've finally updated with 35 figures, some finished almost 3 months ago! Besides the new figures I've also updated Rik Duel, Boba Fett (Hitman) and Sen Udo-Mal.
In the Hasbro The Phantom Menace Section
Naboo Guard
Naboo Guard (Theed)
Pit Droid Prototype
In the Hasbro Attack of the Clones Section
Naboo Guard (Coruscant Attack)
Dexter's R2 Unit
Bo-Hal Franool
Command Battle Droid (Arena)
In the Hasbro A New Hope Section
Stormtrooper (No Helmet)
Chall Bekan (Mos Eisley)
In the Hasbro The Empire Strikes Back Section
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Spirit)
In the Hasbro Return of the Jedi Section
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Mace Windu (Er'Stacia from Puzzle Peace)
Anakin Skywalker (Young Apprentice from Jedi Quest)
Shon Kon Ray (from Jedi: Shaak Ti)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post-Star Wars Section:
Admiral Toka (from Dark Forces)
Princess Leia (Skye from Duel of Eagles)
Chihido (from The Stenax Shuffle)
Chrysalla (from Shadeshine)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Shadows of the Empire Section:
Dash Rendar(Pilot from Shadows of the Empire)
Alph (from Screams in the Void)
Thorben (from Screams in the Void)
Princess Leia (Lahsbane from Lahsbane)
Lando Calrissian (Arbra from The Darker)
Luke Skywalker (Stenos from Return to Stenos)
Luke Skywalker (Beledrone from The Apprentice)
Zuckuss (Boba Fett Disguise from Shadows of the Empire)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Savan (Xizor Disguise from Shadows of the Empire: Evolution)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe New Republic Section:
Delivery Droid (from The Last Command)
C-3P0 (from Star Tours)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe New Jedi Order Section:
Princess Leia (Aphran from Force Heretic: Remnant)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Other Section:
Anakin Skywalker (White Knight)
Er'Kit X-Wing Pilot
Xexto X-Wing Pilot

4/22/03 - A sad, sad day in the collecting world, as I just recieved this news from Mark B. of M and M Collectibles:

My wife, Megan, and I have enjoyed serving collectors throughout the world through our website M and M Collectibles over the past 6 years. But since the birth of our son, Ben, 9 months ago, time has become more and more precious. So, after much thought, we have decided to close up M and M Collectibles. Our goal is to liquidate all of our remaining inventory by May 20th. We are still looking for some new owners and will keep everyone updated if some are found.
So, to get this clearance under way, every item we have over 30 days old has been repriced to cost or below. In addition, each week we will randomly choose one person from all of the orders we receive, and that person will get a free $100 product credit with us.

Dealer orders are welcome. Visit us at M and M Collectibles today for best selection.

I've been ordering from M and M for the past 4 years now, they've never had scalper prices, provided a lot of figure fodder for this site, much free of cost, and even helped me give a huge Star Wars figure care package to one of my friends on Christmas two years ago after a crack adict broke into his house and stole his Star Wars figure collection (amungst other things). Needless to say it's a good site run by good people, so head on over there and help them clean house!

4/19/03 - Well, the webshell is still messed up, but I updated anyway, then went back to check if everything looks right :) This update includes my 700th figure - Ooryl in TIE Pilot Disguise - as well as almost my last Arena Jedi. See it turns out that I got two ref pics mixed up, so really I have one more Jedi to do. He's actually made already, but didn't make this update. I also added my five final Star Trek figures into the Micro Machine section (still don't feel like making yet another section to the site) Lastly, I have a slight changein site policy. In the interest of saving both harddrive and website space I've decided to no longer scan the backs of my customs unless there's something really interesting going on back there. I hope no one is really upset by this. I would doubt it, but due to some of the people who've left comments on this site I can never really tell what might ste someone off :)
In the Hasbro Attack of the Clones Section
Nejaa Halcyon
Den Flerotuh
Ke-Lo Derphi
Ezral Finah
Ler-Pro Buper
Lu-Jan Carpic
Sen-Do Sejei
In the Hasbro A New Hope Section
Rebel Guard
In the Hasbro Return of the Jedi Section
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Republic Section:
Twi'Lek Jedi Knight (from Jango Fett: Open Seasons)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Rhen Tarr (from Jedi: Mace Windu)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Spiker (from The Jabba Tape)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe New Republic Section:
Ooryl Qyrrg (TIE Pilot Disguise from Isard's Revenge)

4/16/03 - Hmm, seems that my 3 year anniversary went by and I totally forgot! Well, I've been busy lately over at writing the screenplay for Episode 7 (huh? What?) Yeah. The project is called the Virtual Sequels. Since Lucas said he's not doing Episodes 7-9 we decided to make the definitive version of what could have been. In custom fiure related news, I was going to have a fairly substancial update today - including the final batch of Arena Jedi, my last group of Star Trek figure customs, and my 700th figure! Unfortunatly Angelfire's webshell isn't working properly so it's going ot be delayed even more. Check back after Easter and hopefully it'll be done by then.

2/16/03 - Nothing like a blizzard to allow you to get things done. Finally, after months and months, I have updated my site! i have almost a dozen Arena Jedi here, and seveal other figures to boot. I'll soon have another wave of Arena Jedi coming up, which will almost get them all. As far as fodder coming in, I'm like 2 Qui-Gon Naboo's short. I also have my very first Star Trek figure custom! I have him the Micro Machines section because I'm not planning on make too many Star Trek customs (I have a few more to add, but that'll be it) so I'm not giving them their own section. In any case, on to the new figs:
In the Hasbro Attack of the Clones Section
Mad-Ja Mojam
Cher-Ha Shivan
Damch He-Uni
Dev-Bi Juphi
Forha Sachi
Sac-Jo Jamod
Sim-Ho Caspar
Weaca Jamad
Strje Nomia
Nee-Li Vabal
Gil-Ni Ongla
In the Hasbro A New Hope Section
Brindy Truchong 2
In the Hasbro Return of the Jedi Section
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Prequel Section:
Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Training)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Early Empire Section:
Princess Leia (Soup Kitchen from The Princess Leia Diaries)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post-Star Wars Section:
Mon Calamari (Tak Base from Sand Blasted)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Shadows of the Empire Section:
Princess Leia (Padawan from Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back)
Luke Skywalker (Rebel Lounge from To Take the Tarkin)
Luke Skywalker (Tarkin Disguise from To Take the Tarkin)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Post Endor Section:
Endor Hanger Technician (from Free Memory)
Tal'Dira (from The Bacta War)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe New Republic Section:
Nrin Vakil (TIE Pilot Disguise from Isard's Revenge)
In the Hasbro Expanded Universe Other Section:
Darth Ody
In the Micro Machines Star Trek Section:
Lt. O'Brien in Dress Uniform

2/11/03 - Still workin' on that update folks, but once again it's time to respond to an oddball guestbook entry. I seriously hope this one is a joke - as you can see not once, but twice I was told by the same guy - how DARE I make Obi-Wan a Sith! All I can say is, um, it's just an action figure, I didn't do it for real... Not to mention that fact that Obi-Wan isn't a real person and not matter what I do here on this site it in no way affects the outcome of the Star Wars movies 0 no really! I't doesn't i swear! Also the Jaster Mareel comment makes little sence to me - obviously it's made from a Kamino Jango Fett - did I try and pull a fast one without knowing it? Honestly people, I just don't know some times :D

2/3/03 - Well, I got back from vacation, but then I sort of moved, so delays in updates as usual. I updated one figure from the Arena - Morvet Storm - so far, and have a whole lot more coming. Thanks to the wonders of DVD I managed to make figures of every visible Jedi in the arena battle/ Some were too small or obscured by dust to make, but if I could make out the details I made it a figure. Anyway, look for em soon, along with some non-Arena Jedi and even one or two Star Trek figure customs!

1/1/03 - HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2002, which at this site has been unoffically dubbed "The Year of Controversy" has come and gone, and all my updates from the past year have been shipped off to thier own archive page. So what's coming up this year? Well I've done another large chunk of the Arena Jedi, and have a few other figures also already completed, but I'm on vacation right now so won't be adding them to the site for a bit. I also have done the first figure that I've ever sold, but I feel I should reiterate that I don't sell my figures. I only made this one, Brindy Truchong, because I was contacted by the son of the woman who played her and he wanted a copy of the figure to give to her for Christmas. It's just cool to know that I figure I made is owned by the person who played them.


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