Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Luke Skywalker (Palpatine's Apprentice)
My 800th Figure!

Darth Vader (Light Side from Infinities: Return of the Jedi)

Captain Manchinso (from Truce at Bakura)

Gaerial Captison (from Truce at Bakura)

C-3P0 (Stormtrooper Disguise from Truce at Bakura)

Tal Burren (from Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)

Harrel (from Rogue Leader)

Luke Skywalker (Corellia from Rogue Leader)

Wedge Antillies (Corellia from Rogue Leader)

General Weir (from Rogue Leader)

Mara Jade (Fugitive from Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)

Mara Jade (Phorliss from Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)

Mara Jade (Waitress from Mara Jade: By the Emperor's Hand)

Spiker (from The Jappa Tape)

TNG-1 (from Sandblasted)

TNG-2 (from Sandblasted)

Lumiya's Stormtrooper (from Lumiya: Dark Star of the Empire)

Luke Skywalker (Ewok Village from Jawas of Doom)

Boba Fett (Sandcrawler from Jawas of Doom!)

Neddoo (from Diplomacy)

Admiral Ackbar (Endor Moon from Diplomacy)

Luke Skywalker (Diplomat from Diplomacy)

Admiral Ackbar (Endor from The Hero)

Flitchee (from The Hero)

Oosa (from The Hero)

Duros Thug (from The Hero)

Rik Duel (Iskalon from Still Active After All These Years)

Princess Leia (Herdessa from Figurehead)

Rebel Cur (from No Zeltrons!)

Khomson (from The Dream)

Barney (from The Dream)

Luke Skywalker (Naldar Gear from The Dream)

Luke Skywalker (Saijo from Catspaw)

Han Solo (Saijo from Catspaw)

Princess Leia (Saijo from Catspaw)

Knife (Saijo from Catspaw)

Caead (from Small Wars)

Ewok Stormtrooper (from Small Wars)

Choman (from Small Wars)

Pedrick (from Small Wars)

Purvis (from Small Wars)

Shahk (from Small Wars)

Silla (from Small Wars)

Han Solo (Hurk Battle from Small Wars)

Luke Skywalker (Hurk Battle from Small Wars)

Princess Leia (Hurk Battle from Small Wars)

Han Solo (Zeltron Party from No Zeltrons!)

Luke Skywalker (Kintooine from No Zeltrons!)

Bahb (from No Zeltrons!)

Luke Skywalker (Lumiya Duel from Duel with a Dark Lady)

Princess Leia (Endor Briefing from Escape)

Mon Mothma (Endor from Escape)

Lando Calrissian (Endor Briefing from Escape)

Ceel (from Escape)

Denlett (from Escape)

Tak (from Escape)

Fenn Shysa (from Touch of the Goddess)

Fenn Shysa (Saijo from First Strike)

Tippet (Endor from First Strike)

Kiro (from School Spirit)

Tai (from Tai)

Luke Skywalker (Zeltron Party from Nagais and Dolls)

Lando Calrissian (Drogheda from The Sweetheat Contract)

Luke Skywalker (Solay from I'll See You in the Throne Room!)

Rebel Messenger (from Supply and Demand)

Lando Calrissian (Vandelhelm from The Vandelhelm Mission)

Nien Nunb (Vandelhelm from The Vandelhelm Mission)

The Vandelhelm Kid (from The Vandelhelm Mission)

Dllr Nep (X-Wing Gear from The Rebel Opposition)

Rebel Soldier (from The Rebel Opposition)

Dllr Nep (Cilpar from The Rebel Opposition)

Wedge Antilles (Civilian from The Rebel Opposition)

Wes Janson (Rogue 5 from The Phantom Affair)

Derek "Hobbie" Klivian (Rogue 6 from The Phantom Affair)

Tycho Celchu (Rogue 9 from The Phantom Affair)

Tycho Celchu (Civillian from The Phantom Affair)

Wes Janson (Civillian from The Phantom Affair)

Dllr Nep (Civilian from The Phantom Affair)

Mrrlst Security Guard (from The Phantom Affair)

Mirax Terrik (from The Phantom Affair)

AEA Member (from The Phantom Affair)

Wes Janson (Medical Gown from The Phantom Affair)

Firith Olan (from Battleground: Tatooine)

Wedge Antilles (Dress Uniform from Battleground: Tatooine)

Tycho Celchu (Dress uniform from Battleground: Tatooine)

Red 7 (from The Rogue Squadron Apple Jacks Special)

Endor Hanger Technician (from Free Memory)

Nrin Vakil (Rogue 3 from The Warrior Princess)

Dllr Nep (Dress Uniform from The Warrior Princess)

Cartariun (from Requiem for a Rogue)

Luke Skywalker (Iridonia from Phantom Menaces)

Jodo Kast (from Twin Engines of Destruction)

Jodo Kast (Bounty Hunter from Twin Engines of Destruction)
My 1000th Custom Figure!

Jodo Kast Mini Holo

Avan Beruss (Rogue 8 from Mandatory Retirement)

Baron Fel (Imperial Pilot from In The Empire's Service)

Turr Phenir (TIE Pilot from In the Empire's Serivce)

Turr Phenir (from In The Empire's Service)

General Horton Salm (Aggressor Leader from In The Empire's Service)

Kin Kian (Aggressor 7 Gunner from In the Empire's Service)

Aggressor Pilot (from In the Empire's Service)

Standro Jcir (from In The Empire's Service)

Corran Horn (CorSec from Family Ties)

Kirtan Loor (from Family Ties)

Givin (Ord Mantell from Infinties)

Luke Skywalker (Naboo from Star Wars: Infinities)

Deej Warrick (from The Ewok Adventure)

Shodu Warrick (from The Ewok Adventure)

Mace Towani (from The Ewok Adventure)

Logray (Elder from The Ewok Adventure)

Kalay (from The Battle for Endor)

Lydeen (from The Battle for Endor)

Nalean (from The Battle for Endor)

Prevaro (from Shadows of the Empire: Evolution)

Savan (Xizor Disguise from Shadows of the Empire: Evolution

Lintu (from Shadows of the Empire: Evolution)

C-3P0 (from Star Tours)

Star Tours R3 Unit (from Star Tours)

R2-D7 (from Star Tours)

R3-D3 (from Star Tours)

R4-M9 (Star Speeder Mechanic from Star Tours)

Red 27 (from Star Tours)

Nrin Vakil (Bar Fight from Masquarade)

Biggs Darklighter (Dress Uniform from Masquarade)

Soontir Fel (Rogue 10 from Mandatory Retirement)

Soontir Fel (Dress Uniform from Mandatory Retirement)

Nrin Vakil (Dress Uniform from Mandatory Retirement)

Kessel Stormtrooper

Lando Calrissian (Stormtrooper from Queen of the Empire)

Agost (from Marooned)

Chunn (from Marooned)

Qu-Rahn (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Jerec (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Sariss (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Yun (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Nar Shadda R5 Unit (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Sullon Tuskin (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Grave Tuskin (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Mouse Droid (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Heavy Weapons Trooper (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Light Weapons Trooper (from Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight)

Kirtan Loor (Out of Uniform from the Rogue Squadron books)

General Cracken (from X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

Airen Cracken (from Rogue Squadron)

M-3P0 (from Rogue Squadron)

Nawara Ven (Rogue 3 from X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

Riv Shiel (Rogue 6 from X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

Corran Horn (Rogue 9 from X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

Whistler (from I, Jedi)

Ooryl Qyrgg (Rogue 10 from X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

Tycho Celchu (Rogue Null from X-Wing: Rogue Squadron)

Wedge Antillies (Rogue Leader, Corran Memorial Gear from Wedge's Gamble)

Nawara Ven (Rogue 3, Corran Memorial Gear from Wedge's Gamble)

Riv Shiel (Rogue 6, Corran Memorial Gear from Wedge's Gamble)

Ooryl Qyrrg (Rogue 10, Corran Memorial Gear from Wedge's Gamble)

Pash Cracken (from Wedge's Gamble)

Wedge Antillies (Stormtrooper Night Gear from Wedge's Gamble)

Gand Findsman (from Ultimate Alien Anthology)

Onycx (from Problem Solvers)

Wedge Antillies (TIE Pilot from The Krytos Trap)

Jawaswag (from The Bacta War)

Booster Terrik (from The Bacta War)

Tal'Dira (from The Bacta War)

Voort "Piggy" saBinring (Wraith 12 from Wraith Squadron)

Wedge Antillies (Stormtrooper Police Gear from Iron Fist)

Vape (from Iron Fist)

Wedge Antillies (Hawkbat from Iron Fist)

Gorak Khzam (from DarkStryder)

Unda Lagor (from The DarkStryder Campaign)

Vegath Tist (from DarkStryder)

Grand Moff Sarne's Stormtrooper (from DarkStyder)

Elassar Targon (Wraith 11 from Solo Command)

Koobis "Target" Nu (Rogue 8 from Solo Command)

Elassar Targon (TIE Pilot from Solo Command)

Rostat Manr (Y-Wing Pilot Gear from Solo Command, sort of)

Nuro Tualin (Polearm 2 from Solo Command)

Han Solo (General from The Courtship of Princess Leia)

Leia Organa-Skywalker (Ambassador from The Courtship of Princess Leia)

Prince Isolder (from The Courtship of Princess Leia)

Dalla the Hutt (from The Courtship of Princess Leia)


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