Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Luke Skywalker (Jedi Knight)


Yeah I know, they always show Luke as a Jedi in his RotJ outfit, but that never seemed right to me. I would think that he'd wear a Jedi's traditional outfit. I did a Qui-Gon head swap, only to discover that the neck post for the Classic 8 Luke is different - it's a ball at the end. Consequently, Luke can't move his neck, it's glued right to his body. I also repainted Qui-Gon's saber and hilt to match Luke's, and painted his right hand black, assuming that he'd keep the glove on as a memory/reminder of what his father did. I think he came out really good, though at some point I wanna switch his head with a Luke head from RotJ.
UPDATED: I have now switched Luke's head with an RotJ era one. The neck still does not move...


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