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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Luke Skywalker (Coaltion Captive)


Another figure who never had any concept art created, I based Luke's prison jumpsuit off of his Bespin one, using the Coaltion's color scheme of red and black, which also worked well with the tired, dissheveled look that the figure has. Initially his hair and beard were grey, but the beard proved too difficult to see so I added in a lot of white, which unfortunatly looks alittle funny around his mouth. His eyes proved to be the biggest problem, as simply making just his eye's yellow didn't look right to me, so I added a lighter bit of yellow in his sockets so that there was more of a glowing effect. Lastly since no 1138 reference was described in the script as being on screen, I added it into his prisoner number on his left breast.


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