I always try to come up with some sort of custom idea for any extra figure that comes my way, and this Snoova Chewie was quite the challenge. I initially flipped through the SotE comic to see if he maybe got hurt/shot/etc. while in it, only to discover that he's in the outfit for about 3 panels (in other words Hasbro said - "we need to do a new Chewie character, show him in some new outfit please!") Luckily as many people noticed with Dash Rendar way back when, the figures don't quite match appearences otherwhere (I remember when it seemed like virtually every customizer had a bare-armed Dash figure...) In the comics Chewie's outfit was silver, not green, and his eye piece was red. He also didn't have black spots on his fur, which I got rid of by changing his whole fur color and making it much darker (which from the artwork seems to be what "really" happened anyway)
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