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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Admiral Galak Fyyar

(from Jedi Outcast)


While I'm glad that I was correct that Dooku's body would make for a great new Imperial body, I'm very very much not glad that my grey marker died on me, and they discontinued it, and the one gray paint marker I coudl find is obviously way too light. At some point in the future I suppose I'll be redoing this one. On the bright side he retained quick-draw action, or whatever they call it. Maybe that comes in handy for whatever he does in the game, but I wouldn't know cause I haven't bought it yet!

UPDATED: Well, I said when I got a new, darker grey marker I'd repaint this figure. The odd thing is that I used the exact same marker. Guess last time I didn't shake it hard enough.


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