I had a Sabe in my Grab Bag, and she presented quite a challenge. I was looking through Issue 5 of my Star Wars Gamer magazine for an unrelated purpose, when I saw a picture of Roganda and figured I might be able to make her. The outfit is fudged a bit, but I still liek the way she came out. Her arms are actually from the Royal Decoy Amidala (who's really Sabe anyway) but that was the only parts switch. The plastic on the skirt isn't holding the paint very well though, as you can see it flaked off a bit on the scanner. I wish Roganda and her osn would show up again somewhere. They escape at the end of the novel, but never make an appearence again. Lastly a small tidbit of info from Childran of the Jedi - the Sith Training Droid that comes with the Deluxe Maul is actually from CotJ! It's shown in the Essencial Guide to Droids, so I'm sure the author of the Darth Maul comic used it for the training scene, which then became a figure.
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