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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Winter (Coruscant Palace)

(from Dark Force Rising)


I really apologize for the darkness of these pictures, this is the last time I've using the QuickCam I have I think. This figure came out 1000 times nicer than my previous one, but you can barley see it. From now on I think I'm scanning in the figs or getting a new camera. Hopefully some better pics'll show up then. OK, now that that's cleared up, onto the fig. I used a 2-Pack Ceremonial Leia, colored black with a modified purple cape. I also, of course, gave her white hair.

UPDATED: As I've been adding my scanned pictures, I've been deleting my "the shots are bad" comments. For this figure though, it seems nothing would be left. Consider it a look back at the way things once were :)


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