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Jedime's Po' Boy Star Wars Customs


Yoda (Padawan)


While the Saga Yoda figure is an awesome sculpt, he does look rather young. I've alreayd made a "younger" Yoda figure, but I figured why not go all the way back to when he was a Padawan? Besides the brown hair - which he was shown with in the Star Wars ongoing series #0 comic, which was one of those flash comics the Offical Site used to do. Oddly enough though, while Mara Jade #0, Crimson Empire #0 and the opening of Phantom Menace are still there, the ongoing #0 is gone. Not only that, but it's never been published in print form. I want answers!
Wow, talk about a tangent... Where was I? Ok, yeah so for Padawan Yoda I added a braid and ponytail (which wound up camoflaging itself in the scan) and then gave hive more traditional Jedi robes, which basically amounted to me recoloring his robes and then using a 300th Fett belt, which looked a lot like a Jedi belt once I modfied it.


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