Born in squalor on Nar Shaddaa, the "smuggler's moon" orbiting the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta, the Zabrak Jedi Master is known for his highly developed willpower and ability to withstand intense pain. He was recognized as a Jedi prospect at age four, and was initially considered too old to be trained, although he later proved himself worthy after demonstrating extreme mental discipline. Eeth Koth trained the Jedi hero Shared Hett, who later disappeared to live among Tatooine's Tusken Raiders.
Concept artist Iain McCaig produced the drawing of Jedi Council Member Eeth Koth while the character was slated to be the leader of the High Council. Hence, McCaig found inspiration in the most obvious source- in the facial features of Design Director Doug Chiang! Jedi Master Mace Windu was later inserted as the head of the Council.