Remarkably multi-talented and artistic, Greeata is a most unusual member of the typically violent Rodian species. During a tumultuous childhood, Greeata reluctantly adapted to the conflict-ridden lifestyle that her homeland embraced, yet secretly practiced cultural endeavors of music, song, and dance. Once Greeata completed school, she decided it was time to end her double life, and landed a job playing the Kloo horn in a band on the legendary interstellar luxury liner Kuari Princess. A wide range of galactic exploits followed, and Greeata was eventually selected to become a member of the now-famous Max Rebo Band, which performed regularly for Jabba the Hutt. Just after her last performance for the infamous gangster lord, Greeata used her Rodian martial arts skills to help save her fellow musicians after they got stranded in the desert following the Rebel attack on Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge.