This extraordinary woman was one of the original architects of the Rebellion.
As a respected member of the Imperial Senate, Mon Mothma fought to retain whatever basic freedoms the beings of the galaxy had left, as the corrupt and evil Palpatine stripped them away, one by one. This visionary leader was eventually forced to take her flight underground. Under Mon Mothma’s leadership, the Rebellion grew from a rag tag group of part-time activists into a viable and efficient fighting force. She designed the extensive communications network that kept the Alliance one step ahead of the sluggish Empire. At the same time she used her talents as a diplomat and negotiator to bring individuals, corporations, and outlying worlds into the Rebellion.
Above all, Mon Mothma’s most important duty was to keep the Alliance focused. She was fully aware that, while more powerful every day, it was still extremely vulnerable. Even a single, decisive loss could have destroyed the Rebellion. Thanks to Mon Mothma’s guidance, the Rebellion fought only when the chances of victory far out-weighed the danger of defeat.