Queen Amidala

Queen Amidala At fourteen, Queen Amidala rules over the Naboo people with the freshness of her young years and the efficiency of a true leader. Through her rigorous training, Amidala has demonstrated her dedication to the well-being of Naboo, and she has quickly earned the trust and loyalty of the people who elected her.

The Queen attends her world’s needs and addresses the concerns of her subjects, ruling from her palace in the capital city of Theed. However, Amidala’s regal presence is sometimes required at offworld political gatherings. In such occasions, it is customary for the Queen’s handmaidens to follow their monarch and assist her, as well as for Captain Panaka to provide additional protection with a team of guards specially trained for offworld duty.

The Naboo people’s faith in their leader is justified, for Amidala’s heart is true, and her determination unwavering. But the threat looming ahead might very well put the Queen’s abilities to the ultimate test.