Senator Palpatine

Senator Palpatine One of the keenest minds in the Galactic Senate, Senator Palpatine of Naboo has achieved the important distinction of representing an entire sector consisting of hundreds of star systems. As a sectorial senator, Palpatine holds a seat in the Main Senate Chamber on Coruscant, skillfully defending the interests of the systems he represents, including the Naboo people of his homeworld. Palpatine's kind features, delicate manners and calm effectiveness make him one of the most liked and respected members of the Senate.

Combining the apparent fatalism of a political realist with the shrewd and subtle power moves of a chess master, this senator from a humble provincial planet is a consummate performer in his chosen arts. The Senate Chamber is Palpatine's stage, and he takes advantage of everything it has to offer in order to drive his points home. The way sound bounces off the walls, the seating arrangement, the lighting that plays differently from one area to the other, the lines of sight everyone has or lacks - Senator Palpatine does not miss a single detail that might help him attain his goal. Which is to help Naboo, of course.