In the shadow of the remote gas giant Yavin, near its fourth moon, a great battle for the very survival of the Rebellion takes place. Using a homing beacon aboard the Rebel craft Millennium Falcon, Darth Vader finally tracks down the location of the Rebel base on Yavin 4. Under the command of Grand Moff Tarkin, the Empire's planet-destroying Death Star emerges from hyperspace in the vicinity of Yavin and orbits the planet as it prepares to destroy the Rebel Base and all hope for freedom in the galaxy.
Against the monstrous battle station the Rebellion sends up a small fleet of 30 one-man fighters, in a desperate effort to bomb the Death Star's single critical weak spot. Considered harmless by the Empire, these fighters dart through the hail of defensive laser fire designed to destroy larger, slow-moving capital ships. Darth Vader orders TIE fighters into action against the Rebel craft, piloting an advanced TIE prototype personally. Soon the superior Imperial technology takes its toll, and the Rebel pilots are annihilated one by one until only three remain.
As the station draws into firing range on the Rebel Base, Luke Skywalker focuses his concentration on his one crucial chance. In the heat of the final moment, the young farm boy from Tatooine turns off his targeting computer and trusts the power of the Force to guide him.