
Naboo Although sparsely populated, the small planet of Naboo is home to two distinct advanced civilizations which have created beautiful cities. The large regions of Naboo that are devoid of inhabitants offer sweeping vistas and breathtaking scenery. The few cities of the Naboo people look as though they were constructed to enhance the natural beauty of the landscape.

The planet is geologically unique, and its puzzling structure remains a mystery even to the few planetologists who have studied it. Whereas most planets present a magma core and a rocky crust, Naboo is rather a very ancient planetary body which lacks a molten core. Large solid bodies of rock, thousands of miles in diameter, are surrounded by an immense honeycomb structure. This cave-filled rock formation pervades much of the planet's interior, all the way to the surface, where it creates innumerable swampy lakes between the interior land masses and the open seas. These swamps, traditionally avoided by the Naboo people, are populated by bizarre creatures.