Sith Infiltrator

Sith Infiltrator Dark and menacing, this dreaded craft is the latest model in a long tradition of vessels used by the mysterious Sith. Darth Maul's Infiltrator is a customized star courier designed by Republic Sienar Systems Advanced Projects laboratory-the same company that would later produce the Imperial Navy's entire fleet of TIE fighter craft. Loaded with hidden armaments and powerful sensory and tracking equipment, the Sith Infiltrator is powered by a curious high-temperature ion engine sublight drive system which is still experimental.

Darth Maul's Infiltrator is equipped with a terrifying technological wonder-a full-effect cloaking device that gives invisibility upon command. An invisibility field is a formidable weapon, since it can defeat most security systems and make acts of theft, sabotage, and assassination all but unstoppable. In the forward section of the Infiltrator, a compact cargo hold folds down to reveal an elaborate collection of clandestine equipment for use during missions. The inventory includes interrogator droids, "dark eye" probe droids, a speeder bike, and other devices of evil intent. Although Darth Maul is never at a loss for equipment, his Sith training has made him less reliant on such advanced technology. Still, he keeps his evasive and deadly spacecraft fully equipped in order to maximize his capabilities.