The TIE fighter is the most recognizable symbol of the Imperial Navy's control of space. TIE (Twin Ion Engine) fighters are aboard even the smallest cruisers and are stationed at starports and garrison bases across the galaxy. The TIE fighter is a small ship whose distinguishing feature is the pair of large hexagonal solar array wings on either side of its small, spherical cockpit pod. The ship presents a small profile and its great maneuverability makes it difficult to target in combat.
TIEs are short-range fighters lacking hyperdrives to save weight and increase performance. They depend on a home base--a nearby planet or Imperial cruiser. They carry two days' worth of supplies and must refuel after the first few hours of combat, but their massive quantities make up for any design deficiencies. The fighters are used for planetary and cruiser defense and assault against Rebel, pirate and alien vessels. They also escort heavily armed TIE bombers when attacking permanent planetary installations.
Each TIE has a pair of forward-mounted, fire-linked laser cannons. The powerful laser generators are in the undercarriage of the command pod and feed off the power generators and batteries. The fighter draws much of its energy from solar radiation absorbed by the array wings.