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Clinton in Star Wars
...And now, for the first time anywhere...

Things Bill Clinton Would Say if He Were in Star Wars.

~"Who knew the Jedi Mind Trick could work on 250 million people all at once?"

~"I *absolutely* support the use of droids in the military... Okay, now I don't."

~"Luke, I am your father. Obi-Wan, I'm your father, too. And that Queen chick? I'm her daddy for sure. And Leia's. And Lando's, and Boba Fett's, and Jabba the Hutt's, and Chewie's, and..."

~"Wretched hive of scum and villainy? Woo-hoo, count me in!"

~"I think the American people would like a little more bass in my theme music."

~"Dispose of that troublesome young Jedi, Vince Skyfoster --- and make it look like a suicide."

~"I did not have sexual relations with that wookiee, Ms. Chewinsky."

~"It's a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away -- and I'm still a lyin' weasel."

~"Cholesterol does not concern me, Admiral. I want that Big Mac -- not excuses."