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Scenes Cut from Original SW
Top Scenes Cut
From the Original SW Trilogy

10. Controversial Chewbacca/C3PO romance.
9. R2D2's breakdancing scene on Hoth.
8. Seventeen-second belch issued by Admiral Ackbar during crucial briefing before Battle of Endor.
7. Entire subplot dealing with Jabba's marital problems.
6. Dirty word being spray-painted on wall of Imperial shield generator by adolescent Ewoks.
5. Marlon Brando's uncredited cameo as Bail Organa.
4. Rejected ending for first movie in which all main characters die in Death Star garbage compactor.
3. Glowin' Greedo.
2. Six minutes of dialogue during which Mon Mothma had a booger on her lapel.
1. Product placement by Cream of Wheat.