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Why the Empire Lost the War

Why the Empire Lost the War

- When rebels ride speeder bikes, they watch where they are going.

- Stormtroopers always seem to set their blasters to "miss".

- When in groups of three, TIE pilots fall for the ol' "Cut to the left, I'll take the leader".

- Give an AT-AT driver a skipping rope and he'll trip himself.

- An out of control A-Wing can bring down their flagship.

- "I can't see a thing with this helmet on!"

- When rebels go in they go in full throttle.

- Super tough stormtrooper armour doesn't seem to protect against sticks and stones.

- Regular old TIE fighters don't have shields.

- Everywhere you turn there are endless chasms to fall down.

- The average conscript is too scared to excel, because if they did, they'd end up a high ranking officer, and we all know that means ......... GULP