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Rejected Foods of the SW Universe

Rejected Foods of the SW Universe

- Pizza The Hutt.

- Chocolatey Palp-O-Tine.

- Bits-O-Alderaan Cereal.

- Bantha Biscuits. (not a big seller)

- Kashyyyk-burgers.

- Kibbles n' Bothans.

- Ham Salad in Carbonite.

- Jabba's Live Slimy Frog Things.

- Hutt N' Honey.

- Lando "Lakes" Calrissian Brand Butter.

- Vader Taters

- Baked Bantha

- Salacious Breadcrumbs

- Emperor "Fries"

- Hamill Hashbrowns

- Things Found in George Lucas' Beard

- Han's Hot Cakes

- Filet of Ackbar

- Live Ewok