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You're Not A SW Junkie Until....

You're Not A SW Junkie Until....

After learning the correct spelling of "wookiee" you could no longer spell "cookie".

You can hum most of the soundtrack. Drives my family up the wall.

You can tell the difference between the ANH theme and the ESB and ROTJ themes. They played the SW theme on the classical music radio station this morning!

You write these lists. Check out the rest of the humor section. (I didn't write all of them, just some)
You refer to English as "Basic". This one drives my brother crazy.

You have named your car after a vehicle in Star Wars. They wouldn't call me "Echo 3" or our car the "Milennium Falcon" over the walkie-talkies!

You learned to play an instrument so you could play the Star Wars theme.I can play it on the harmonica and (marginally, still working on this) the piano, and (probably) the violin/viola.
Anyone who has never seen Star Wars WILL be tied to the couch and made to watch it atleast twice.And threatened, if needed.

All of your pets are named after Star Wars characters.Well, they used to be, but we had to give them away:(

When you're looking through your drawer for that other black sock, you aid your search by telling yourself, "Lock on to the strongest power source, it SHOULD be the power generator." Oh yeah...

You believe that there REALLY IS a Star Wars universe out there...somewhere...I can dream, can't I?

You've visited Alaska to say you've gone to Hoth and you're sure you saw an Ice Wampa there. Yeah, and I saved the arm I chopped off of it too.

You've ever pretended the orange in your lunchbox was a thermal detonator, and thought about using it to get a better price at the milk counter. Never personally tried this, but I think I will now...

You've made your Kenner Darth Vader figure a "proper" cloak out of cloth, to replace the cheap vinyl one he came with. The dark lord of the Sith must have proper clothing.

You've kept the "good" action figures stored separately from the "bad" ones. Of course! It just wouldn't do to have good and evil mingle.

Whenever you went anywhere outside with your friends, you always walked single file, to hide your numbers. Well, if my friends would cooperate...

You've written several letters to the President recommending that he dissolve the council, put power in the hands of the regional governors, and let fear keep the local systems in line. It would make for interesting media coverage...

In college, after several hours of poker, you got thrown our of the game for suggesting, "How about some sabacc?" I wouldn't play poker with somebody who wouldn't agree with me on that point.

You believe there really is a Lando System, they just haven't found it yet! And if I have anything to do with it, the next star system discovered will be named after a SW character.

You start to see visions of Ben Kenobi telling you to go to bed. I start saying all sorts of funny things when I need sleep. "Benn...Benn..."

You can't resist to hum when you turn on a flashlight. Flashlights are fun - almost as fun as platic lightsabers.

You've ever called somebody "laserbrain' - and meant it. You gotta call your pest brother something to shut him up!

You punch people when they say they don't like Star Wars. Must resist temptation...

You can read and translate the Star Wars alphabet into Basic. Working on Russian first, I can only recognize a few letters so far.

You've ever used fishing line to try the snow speeder - tow cables maneuver on your cat. I'm wise enough not to try it on my cat, but I have tried it.

When you and a friend have been on one of those amusement park rides where you had to sit back to back, and you started calling him Dack and told him to stop whining about his approach vector. Yep.

You use Star Wars phrases in normal conversation, and you end every conversation with MTFBWY. Yep, and people get lots of teasing when they don't know what it means.

Whenever your mother asked you to babysit your little brother, you always instilled confidence by replying, "leave him to me. I will deal with him myself." Bwahahaha! Fun!

When trying unsuccessfully to snare that last Cheerio floating in your cereal bowl, you remarked, "the Force is strong with this one." Also works well with the last piece of ice in the glass.

People refuse to watch SW with you because you know every line and you insist on saying them with the characters. Yep. It was really interesting when we watched in in school for a 70's unit and I had about 50 people to yell at me instead of 2:)

On Halloween, you would never dress as one of the following:

Han Solo
Leia Well, my hair is perfect for it, so I did do this one.

However, you would dress as:

Crix Madine
That spider droid from Jabba's palaceA B'Omarr Monk, you mean... :)
That fat dancer from Jabba's palace
Sy Snootles
Imperial Death Star firing officers (dorky hat patrol)
Mos Eisley Cantina bartender
The sewer monster
Boba Fett!YES!!!
An Imperial probe droid Uh huh.

You always kept a bowl filled with live three-legged frogs next to your bed, just in case you wanted a snack. I wouldn't eat a live frog unless my life depended on it.

As a child, whenever you had broken something, your response was always, "It must've had a self-destruct mechanism. I didn't hit it that hard." I love it!!!! And if you have SW parents, they just might find it funny enough to get you off the hook!

You actually CAN move things with the Force.I wish (although I have tried)

You've refused to enter a cave/cavern/tunnel without a handgun and a large stick. Yep.

You've told the mall Christmas elf, "You will take me to Santa now." Mind control is great.

When someone had apoligized to you, you choked him and told him that you accepted his apology. No, other forms of harm work better and don't get you into as much trouble.

You've told people that you're fluent in over 6 million forms of communication. (Even Bocce)Yep. Truthfully, I'm not even fluent in English, but I'm working on Spanish and Russian. Hey, that's 3!

When you waited for a friend to catch up with you, you told him to hurry up or he'd be a permanent resident. Yep. The sad thing is they don't know where the line came from.

The girl you've been going out with suddenly tells you she loves you and you said, "I know." Being the girl...actually, I would probably burst out laughing and then hug him.

You've bought Wing Commander III and/or IV just because Mark Hamill was in it! Anything even remotely related to Star Wars needs to be added to the collection...

You've composed lyrics to the SW theme. I'm working on it, haven't come up with anything good yet.

You've tried to create your own Yoda puppet out of a green sock and some buttons.There is no try.

You have lightsaber duelled with cardboard tubes, rolled up periodicals, or common garden vegetables.Oh yeah, for you less experienced ones out there, try Zucchini.

When nobody else is around, you've seriously tried to draw something into your hand with the Force. Yes. Always been fasinated with telekenisis. Even dreamt that I could, lol:)

You've used one of Solo's lines in an intimate situation. well, no.

You've been pulled over by a policeman and when asked to see your drivers' liscence you replied, "You don't need to see my identification." Hehehe, not with a REAL officer.

You have physically threatened anyone who referred to "Hans Solo" or "Dark Vader", confused Star Wars with Star Trek, or spelled Wookiee with only one "e." Yes. Very much. Very Very much. (See Drive a SW Nut Mad)

You have held up an onion ring and said, "Look sir, droids." Mmmmhmmmm.

You've referred to Wedge Antilles or Boba Fett as "The Man." Both awesome people.

Everytime you put a glove on your right hand you say... "that's right, Artoo. We're going to the Dagobah System. I have a promise to keep to an old friend." Hehehe.

You've ever found yourself in a chat room, training Jedi. Yes, actually. (long story)

You've tried to make your own lightsaber. Yep.

You've gotten into a fist fight with a Trekkie. Not yet, but it ain't over yet, folks...

You've told family and friends that your children LOVE Star Wars, even though they really don't, just so you can play with the toys! I don't open the toys. I visit my cousin when I want to play with them.

You've bought a white Isuzu Trooper, strictly because of the name! Never heard of it before. Must have one!

You know what species Yoda is.

I really hope they tell us in the prequels. You think Lord Vader is your unknown dad.

He's not? When you can't go out, you tell your mom "But I was going to go to Home Hardware to pick up some power converters!"

To fix my landspeeder. You mistake your cat for a womprat and shoot it in your "T-16". Poor wookiee (that's the cat).

When you pull into a parking lot, you say "This is Red Leader, going in."

"Cover me, Wedge!" You tell everyone you went skiing on Hoth.

I wish I could ski. When you sleep, you cry out "Ben...Ben!" I wonder... And there's another short, less funny one here.