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The Later Years

The Later Years...
(What should have happened to the characters after the movies)

Obi-Wan: Married one of those obsessive fans.

Darth Maul: Got a job in a tattoo parlor.

Boba Fett: Got a job at the circus and traveled around the galaxy as the "Human Swiss Army Knife."

Luke: Killed after he whined at his superiors one too many times.

Leia: Went to beauty school and became a professional hair stylist.

Han: Sat at home (who needs to work when you're married to a princess?) playing cards with Lando.

Jabba the Hutt: Lost a few thousand pounds and became a spokeshutt for Jenny Craig.

Lando: Learned to disco and regulared a club somewhere in the seedier parts of the lower levels of Coruscant.

Darth Vader: Became a spokesperson for the American Lung Association. (Don't let smoking do to you what it did to me...::wheeze::)

Anakin: Ego eventually got too big for his brain, head exploded.

Palpatine: Became a forest ranger on Endor. Was excellent at starting bonfires with Force lightening.

Shmi: Hit it off with Qui-Gon Jinn and led a slave rovolt on Tatooine. Attempted to kill Watto with a flyswatter.

Qui-Gon: Married Shmi and started a business marketing midichlorians in a box as "sea monkeys from outer space."

Watto: Became a sleazy used ship salesman and regulared the Mos Espa Cantina until he ended up a splotch on some landspeeder's windshield.

Jar-Jar Binks: Assassinated...

Wicket the Ewok: turned into BBQ at the 25 year Star Wars cast reunion.

Threepio: Sat dejectedly in the corner as newer and better protocol droids came out.

Artoo: Ran off with another droid...(poor 3PO...)

Yoda: Got a job on Sesame Street as Big Bird's sidekick, Small Green Guy.

The Stormtroopers: Decided that if they were to go anywhere in life, they would have to learn how to shoot. Spent the majority of their days trying, in vain, to hit the broad side of a barn.

Queen Amidala: Became a secret double-agent and became famous as a master of disguise.

Sebulba: Joined the Indianapolis 500 several years in a row, won all the prize money, and retired in style.

Owen and Beru: (Cue music) Lemme tell ya little story bout a man named Owen, poor mountaineer barely kept his family goin, then one day...

Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes (the cantina band): Cut a record deal with a big executive on Coruscant and released a hit video and single, "Imperial Girl."