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Drive your friends crazy
Telling How Obsessed Your Friend is with Star Wars
(and how much they like you)

1. Start by mispronouncing key characters' names, such as Leila and Dork Vadar.

2. After a week of this, constantly mispronouce characters like Wedgie Ant-hills and Greedy, and confuse things like Wicket the Wookiee. (Be sure to tell them how proud you are that you've learned new names each time.)

3. After this week has past, use names like Bob Fortune and other minor characters.

4. Continue to use smaller characters, eventually using names from the expanded universe and devices. Chances are they will correct you for a while. The longer they go without blowing up is how much they like you. When they stop recognizing the names you use, you'll know how obsessed they are with Star Wars. This is also a great way to drive them mad.
