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Oola's Hobbies

Oola's Hobbies

#10: Playing jump rope with her leash.

#9: Braiding Bib Fortuna's head.

#8: Annoying Salacious Crumb by flapping her arms and saying "Bawk bawk bawk!".

#7: Dyeing Max Rebo's head blue every few months.

#6: Cracking fat jokes at the fat dancing... uh... creature.

#5: Refilling Jabba's snack bowl with frogs.

#4: Singing "Lapti Nek" backwards while Sy Snootles is trying to sing it correctly.

#3: Headbanging during the Max Rebo bands jams! (Ouch, you'd get whiplash really easy with a head like that!)

#2: Spiking the drinks with non-alcoholic beverages.

#1: She goes under an alias and writes chapters of "Tales From Jabba's Palace".

Name attached to this one was Logan St. Clare.