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Reasons to Admire C3-P0

Reasons to Admire C-3PO

- He is fluent in over 6 million forms of communication.

- For a translator, he sure knows what a damaged hyperdrive motivator looks like.

- Despite R2-D2's electro-charge gadget, he is never afraid to hit, kick, or insult him.

- He's never at a loss to speak his mind. Even when he's been shot.

- If you get on his good side, he can get you initiated into an Ewok tribe. If you threaten him, he can have you roasted for a banquet in his honor.

- He can recite the entire Imperial Civil War history in Ewokese despite the claim that he's not good at telling stories let alone making them interesting.

- He knows everything there is to know about Jabba the Hutt and still won't short circuit.

- He is one of the few characters in the Special Edition Trilogy that didn't need any changes.

- Stormtroopers actually fall for his excuses and traps.

Don't know if this is actually who wrote it, but this was the name attached to this one. - Matthew J. McLaughlin