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Why Did Anakin Skywalker Turn To The Dark Side?

Why Did Anakin Skywalker Turn To The Dark Side?

10.Generous Dark Lords of the Sith pension plan.

9.Sick and tired of mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi repeating "Beware of the Darkside".

8. To escape cruel taunting over dorky name.

7. To impress his friends.

6. Kicked in head by bantha.

5. Didn't want to go into the family business of moisture farming.

4. Charmed by Emperor Palpatine's seductive after-shave.

3. Wanted to use the Force to prop up Microsoft stock.

2. Owed money to Jabba the Hutt, could refinance debt through the Empire.

1. Wanted cool voice like James Earl Jones.