Sunday, October 17, 2004
My Benz isn't dieing!
Now Playing: Can You Hear Me- Ministry of Sound
My benz isn't dieing! It lies! This weekend, I start it up, no rattle, faster than its been in weeks. Still smells like sh-t, but my dad says that is because the gas they use in the winter has some chemical additives that burn weird. So that solves that I guess, though I still wonder wth that rattle was below 2,500rpm. O_O PAINTBALL GUN!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
My Benz is dieing!
Now Playing: Adagio For Strings-Samuel Barber
MY BENZ IS DIEING! I think the catalytic converter broke :-x It smells like sulfur, and my car rattles under 2,500 rpm. Its not the tranny, because it still shifts smooth.. This is bad... all that sulfur isnt going where it needs to. Hopefully it doesnt hurt my car tooo much. That would blow.
Monday, October 11, 2004
don't ask
Now Playing: Truly-Delerium
I have completed my history essay, and now am on slide 5/12 for my presentation on Navarra. I have yet to start my battiato paper on the Greeks, and it most likely will take me all night to do that damn paper. Oh well. Any help/hints leave comments here O_O
Thursday, October 7, 2004
SAT Class
Now Playing: Timeless-ATB
Lol... the chillin icon is Ritalyn wtf.. Right now, I should be working on my paper for Mr.Battiato, but Im not feeling the whole greek tragedy vibe now... so ill save it for some other time (along with my spanish project lol). Ach, cant do it now oh well
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Battiato Paper-Greek Tragedy
Now Playing: Trilogy-ATB
Today, I had SAT tutoring from 6-8. Wouldnt be that bad, but it takes around 40 minutes to get there, so really, I leave home at around 5:15 at the latest. I got in at 9:00, and I am now printing sparknotes on all three plays. I will form my outline from this, and then from there, flesh it out into my paper. I am tired, frustrated, and just plain pissed I left this much work for the last second... again. Oh well right? Wish me luck.. I got an extension, and have till monday... Shouldnt be too hard to finish off now that I have the time, and with SATs out of the way.
Monday, October 4, 2004
New Footage :)
Now Playing: Smooth-Iio
This song is so cool... the girl sounds so like, dirty lol :p Strange voice. But yeah, I captured some cool footage of Bobby as the new Ghyslain (Star Wars Kid), and some sweet slow action fighting with Tom and Bob. We are thinking of making a new version of Sockbaby, quite possibly the coolest personal video with kung fu ever. Random Video (I kinda wanna do this)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RC House Jump
Friday, October 1, 2004
not sure
Now Playing: Puppet Panic 1-Sonic Team
------------: that's right. ------------: you're a very clever boy Brett Carl0ck: im touched ------------: you should be. Eeek!
Why does Nascar have such a stigma?
not sure
Now Playing: Picky's Theme-Fighting Vipers
------------: i don't know, go to a redneck party Brett Carl0ck: no Brett Carl0ck: drive nascar ------------: oh ------------: bah Brett Carl0ck: w00t Brett Carl0ck: bah? Brett Carl0ck: are you kidding me? ------------: yeah ------------: no ------------: in that order. Brett Carl0ck: ooo Brett Carl0ck: harsh Brett Carl0ck: well Brett Carl0ck: im excited ------------: yeah well ------------: frankly i'd rather fuck your sister than go to anything nascar related (Girl said that... lol) Can Nascar really be that bad? I mean, come on, they are still fast cars, no matter if they look like they are mega-billboards...
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Presidential Debate
Now Playing: Im With You-Avril Levigne (Leama & Morre Remix)
"I believe I can make America safer than President Bush has made us," Kerry answered. "I believe America is safest and strongest when we are leading the world and when we are leading strong alliances."The only thing I can say to that is just woooow. I cant believe that guy. All he can do is point and say "ha, didnt happen to me." Well, hes right, it didnt, and he would be like an ostrich with his head in the sand IF anything did happen to him. (Swift boats anyone?). Bush may make grammatical errors, and make strange faces, but does it really matter at all? He has principle, drive, and what I take as an honest and heartfelt desire to kick some ass. More power to him. And, most importantly, though he may have lost his poise periodically, he did not resort to snide remarks and below the belt tactics as Kerry did. Ever see Billy Madison? Remeber the dude thats trying to replace Billy as the heir to Billy's dad's company? Kerry anyone? Stupid weasel-face. Anyway, hope Bush keeps it up, and kicks ass in the polls.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
New Layout??!! O_O
Now Playing: Just Breathe- Telepopmusik
Yeah, as for the new layout. It feels like I've been repeatedly running into a brick wall. I doubt I'll actually go through with it at this point. I mean, who actually visits my site besides me? And I barely do at that lol... So yeah, maybe if I get bored enough. Random Linky Thing-------------------------------------------------------------------- This guy is a genius
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Gir Dance O_o
Now Playing: This Is Ska-Bad Manners
Gir Dance. If you havnt found it yet, its fun... Some nice Ska for you to listen to as Gir boogies... yeah, Im bored lol...
New Layout??!! O_O
Now Playing: Frank Sinatra-Cake
Yeah, Im working on a new layout for my site. I know you all love its noobness, but Im kinda tired of it. My lack of coding efficiency/knowledge smacks me in the face when i realize each page is about 50k plus. WOOOOW... But yeah, had a totally bitchin layout, but in frames. Angelfire+frames=oich! Doesnt work, so instead of frames? Arseloads of tables. Kinda ugly, kinda doesnt work, and kinda frustraated with it. Its daunting to say the least. Maybe by christmas... maybe.. Random Linky Thing----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cool lights, nice price, and a page that will give you your cars light numbers. SWEET!
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Fist Post In A Looong Time
not sure
Now Playing: Final Battle Extended Mix-DJ Xealot
Well, this has been the first post in a long time. Im currently a Senior at the great, prosperous, and well kept Watchung Hills. If you know my school, you know thats total bs. Anyway, I just got bored of how the site looked, and Im currently trying to code a new layout. Its difficult to code new layouts being as angelfire doesnt support frames. I would love the simplicicty of a frame layout, but as before, im just going to have to deal with it. School is alright... Fun this year because I finally have electives. Im doing TV Production and Photography. TV Prod is cool because i get to work with Premiere and its fun as hell. Aside from that, not much else going on. Random Linky Thing: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaked Quake IV Concept Art and 3d Models
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Today I went to the expo with stef. It was really good this year. Not as many rides i dont think, but still good food and games. Though i lost at frog bog (first time ever i didnt win anything). Ill get her something at the boardwalk ;). Today was a great day ;)
Thursday, June 17, 2004
End of Year
As I was going through all my papers, a revelation struck. What are these papers exactly? They are a year of my life. And what am I doing with these papers, this year of my life? Im throwing it away. What do I keep of that year of my life? Only two subjects, physics and spanish. Why? I need both for college. Why do I bother? I feel that somehow they may help me later on. I dont know. Its disturbing: a year of my life traded away for a 30lb trashbag full of papers. Do I retain all of that? Hah, barely. What purpose does it serve then? Whatever, SAT scores are up for June SAT, go check. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Random Linky Thing: Harold and Kumar Go To White CastleThis movie is going to rock, I dont care what anyone else thinks.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Today steffy came over from like 1:40 or so to about 4:30. We studided for vocab ( got from 15-26 done) while at Panera. The food there is actually pretty decent. Disturcio gave us free food, sweet lol. Yesterday steffy was over for a little bit too. Its really cool to be able to hang out though its finals weekend. Tomorrow is going to be bad, but after that, its 1 exam per day.
Wednesday, June 9, 2004
Im still here
Friday, June 4, 2004
God, its late. Im tired, im writing a physics paper?? What.. the.. fuck...
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Fun Weekend
Friday afternoon, Stef came over after school after she dropped Ray off. It was raining, but it was nice and warm in my room. :-0. After she came back from swim practice, I drove down to her house to see her. We walked to Carrabbas and ate (I had Tag Pic Pac, and she had Lobster Ravioli). When we finished, we walked back to her house and watched Secondhand Lions. I was suprised, it was a really really great movie, despite the heroism and narratism being entirely over dramatic. That actually gave the movie a very storybook type feel, it was a cool movie. After the movie was done, i had like 30 minutes to get home, and i made it just in time. :-) Yesterday was another exciting day, starting with Tom's birtday party. Me, vinci, Tom, and Bobby started off from Toms house around 6 and went to Gabriel's Fountain to eat the GOLIATH BURGER!!??. On the way there, I iced a squrilel that was in the road. I felt sooo bad. The little guy didnt even run, he just looked at me and at the last second tried to jump away. I hit him, and he was paralyzed. He crawled across the road, and then died. :-\. After we ate the Goliath Burgers (too poor for icecream too lol) we drove around till we decided what was next. We decided to go mini golfing, and vinci said it was out just past the Bridgewater Mall. I ahve like 1/4 tank of gas, so im like, uh, close enough. Okay, just out past BR mall meant like 20 minutes past.. Vishal met us there, and we proceeded to minigolf. Hell yeah! I suck so hard at that game though... i was like par 10000 on a par 2 hole. It was fun messin around when playing. THere was this one hole that was 2 tiered, you put in the top hole and it goes down a tube to the second tier. At the second tier, i slammed the ball back up and it flew out the top and bob caught it like 20ft away. It was cool :-p. Half way throuh the course, some older people (40s atleast) start pestering us about the flags, cause we kept them down from the people infront of us. At first, they were nice about it, but we were still like, they are down for us, and your gonna take them down in 10 seconds anyway, so dont bother us about it. A few holes later the one guy was like FUCKERS PUT THE FUCKING FLAG BACK OR ILL SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS YOU LITTLE SHITS!. Okay, that wasnt nice was it? So yeah, next hole we get to, Bobby spears the fuckin flag into the fuckin hole upside down. The guy comes out screaming threats and cursing us like hell. So yeah, we decide, theres four of them, two women, and all of them are around 40 or so. Theres four of us, and we're all 17 or so. Hmm... lets think.. Will baldy and his hordes win? Fuck no... But hes too stupid to realize that, and keeps on making threats. If he had thrown a punch, his night woulda been over real fucking fast. Oh well, it was exciting :-). Today was totally yard work (woot). I finished all that crap around 7:40 and I went to stef's house at around 8:40. I stayed until 9:40 when i had to go :-(. On the way home, lookin for gas, I almost hit a cat! CAT, cat. Wtf... I need deer whistles or something, animals just be jumpin at my car. Phew, its late, and Im waiting for Steffy to call, and Im gonna keep on working on my Video of the Javit's Auto Show. IM me if you want to see it, its fricking hot.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Sunday is the day of rest???
So yeah, wake up around 12:30, go out and finish shoveling the 300 some pounds of old sand from my pools filter into the wheelbarrow. Takes me till about, 2:30 or so (im using a friggin gardening trowel, shovel didnt fit). SO i go to move the wheelbarrow, and it tips over, spilling about 300 pounds of sand onto my grass. I go nuts, and spend the next 20 minutes shoveling it back in, then carting it to my backyard, whereupon i spill it a second time. This whole process completes around 4. I got to the Vasios's house to finish the Six Flags packet. Finish that around 8, then go to get "vocab notes" from Steffy. :-D (love you steffy!). On the way back, i realize something about my car. I knew its low beams were broken, but i didnt know that that relay powers all low voltage appliances in my car. Such as the lights that light up the spedometer, and all of the other instruments. So yeah, I tried to gague my speed off the other cars on the road, but I dont want to do that again. Aside from that, the car holds onto the road like a catholic school boy to his pornos (damn tight i tell you). And it corners like crazy. If only it had lights and air conditioning, sigh :-\. And now, off to finish the last page of this packet for Physics. We'll figure out a way
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