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Falling Into My Abyss

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Red Alibi - Sparta
This was an interesting one. We lost to Ridge by 7 points right? Well, Voorhees beat Ridge by only one point... AND WE BEAT VOORHEES BY A POINT!!! Such a great game. Jimmy was on, Suggs was on, Ritters were on, and Gillen was on. Our defence was on for most of it, but we had some... special moments :\ like the penalty with 55 seconds on the clock. But hey, I cant complain, got me on the field again lol

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:50 PM EDT
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Thursday, April 7, 2005

Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Shiver - Coldplay
Okay, this day... not so good. It started off funny. I kinda threw danny's sandal out of the window when coach apel just got on the bus and got ready to go. lol, so I had to get off the bus, get the sandal, and come back on. He, needless to say, was rather pissed. That was trivial compared to the game though. We got stomped by ridge. Utterly and completely destroyed. Nor so good. I think everyone was too tired and off their games for it to happen. Bad frickin day. :(

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:49 PM EDT
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: We Bring The Noise - Scooter
This was one of our better games. We always beat this team in overtime, by one point. This day was no different. We had them trailed pretty well, but we got pumped up in the last quarter and finally caught up. Jimmy had an amazing day and saved our asses. In fact, almost everoyne had a good day on that day. Lotsa people got the attitude stickers :) I even got one for good mang down defence. w00t

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:47 PM EDT
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Friday, April 1, 2005

Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: A Far Cry - Escaflowne
Well, this was our opener game. We started off playing them very very bad. We werent in the game and they had us on the run. But, we rather quickly came back. At the end of the game, they had beaten us 7-5. This actually is a huge jump up from our previous years performances. I think our collective scores from the 3 past years was 38-8 or somethign ridiculous like that. The only issue with this game was that we should have had them. We didnt come out ready and we got smacked by stupid stuff.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, April 11, 2005 8:46 PM EDT
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Thursday, March 3, 2005

First Day Of Lacrosse
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Invalid Letter Department - ATDI
Well, today was the first official day of lacrosse. It was a fairly relaxed day: meeting, equiptment issue, and team discussion. I finally got to see two of the new coaches, and they seem okay. Gonna be weird without Sigel and Chamboch (spell?). Whatever, not really that important. This year is so different from the others in that we no longer have anyone to look up to, we are now the seniors. It kinda sucks. Im gonna miss those guys alot, Im just realizing that now that they arent here any more. I guess we all have to step up and become the new leaders which in and of itself is a scary concept. I can barely keep my own sh-t straight, much less lead anyone else. So it goes. Its also strange now that my friend is no longer playing. It really sucks because I knew that as long as he played, Id be okay. Its good to have someone you can rely on in lacrosse. Now i guess its me and Danny. But I wont be on the first string, so I gotta find someone I can work with.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 11:10 PM EST
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Thursday, February 17, 2005

Alfred University
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Time Of Your Life - Paul Oakenfold
I got accepted into another college! Its Alfred University :). I got into their college and also got the Dean's Scholarship, which is 10k$ a year provided I keep my GPA above a 2.75, which does not sound too bad I dont think. But yeah, hopefully that and the FAFSA will augment my payments a little bit. Right now, I think the tuition would be around 22k a year, which is pretty damn nice for out of state university. Binghamton is around that neighborhood, probbably somewhere closer to 19k a year. I dont know about aid from them yet, I dont know if it will come after the FAFSA or not. But yeah, I await my other acceptances, rejections, and wait-listings. I guess I have to take it as it comes.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 7:28 PM EST
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Friday, February 4, 2005

Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: God Is A DJ - Faithless
Oh man, Im so happy! Not only did I get into a college today (SUNY Binghamton), I also finally finished my essay for Alfred. It was to make a personal page with an Alfred section. The page is on my Java-class menu, I dont want to add it here yet because I dont want to redo the css stylesheet this late at night lol. But yeah, in Marine Bio we are allowed to bring in a fish tank or an animal for the class if we want. Me, I want to bring in my tank and set it up for Triops! If you dont know what they are, they are a sea-monkey type deal. They are a relatively small and robust organism reminiscent of a tiny horseshoe crab. The name Triop comes from how they have 3 compound eyes. These little guys are tough and they are just plain awesome. I never got mine to hatch because I could never get the water temperature up to acceptable levels. Mrs. Locke has an extra heater and a lamp, so my little Triops will finally get a chance to grow. I will most definately be adding a section about them as soon as they start growing.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 12:05 AM EST
Updated: Friday, February 4, 2005 12:06 AM EST
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Circuit Maker
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Deep Space - Chilltopia
Okay, heres circuitmaker cicuit
Right HUrrrrr

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 12:57 AM EST
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Icon Z vs Icon E vs Icon LED
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Never - Rock Project
I am thinking of getting a new paintball marker, and I am trying to decide between 3 markers. The markers are Icon Z, Icon E, and Icon LED. The Z is a semi-auto mechanical blowback. The E is the Z with an electronic trigger frame with DIP switches. The LED is the E with a LED display and inset buttons instead of DIP switches. The 85$ Z sounds mad good, and if i ordered the LED's 45$ frame, I could have a 125$ LED instead of its price of about 185$. WHAT I DO? O_O

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 9:24 PM EST
Updated: Monday, November 29, 2004 7:50 AM EST
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Film Project: Batt's Class
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Surfer Girl - Homegrown
In other news, Im going to work on another little film project. Its going to be for Mr. Batts class, and is supposed to discuss the meaing of life. I dont even know the meaning of life, other than really the search for the meaning i guess. I donno.. Love maybe? Happiness? Self-fulfillment? So yeah, since I obviously cant say what it is to me at this point, I atleast can say what it isnt to me. SOO... Thats where Memento comes into play. I was really moved by the scene when Leonard takes all his wifes old stuff, like the stuffed bear, comb, and her favorite book, and brings it to some non-descript motel. There, he hires a female escort, and has her pretend to be his wife. When he falls asleep, he forgets about setting all that up, and he wakes up. He is trying to re-inact that night when she died. He goes into the bathroom and finds the girl doing crack. He gets mad and leaves. He then burns all her stuff in some construction site while the sun rises. I was thinking to have a premise like that for my video. Just showing someone going through a bunch of different lifestyles, each time waking up into another, each one different than the last, with no recollection at all. I think that by showing what life isnt to me, I can show what it is. I just cant really put it into words so far.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 6:17 PM EST
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Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: MX - Deftones
Im getting pissed looking at my site again. I really think it needs to change, and desperately at that. Its so horribly noob its not even funny. But yet, Im lazy, and dont feel like scripting the damn thing in Notepad, or doing the Photoshoping for it. Oh well. In more relevant news, paintball is fun.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 6:06 PM EST
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Thursday, October 28, 2004

Student Profile
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Extacy - ATB
This is funny... I have to fill out one side of a paper with blatant brags and BS about myself. Easy right? Thats what I thought. Academic Achievements/Awards? Most lazy student? Most Consistant No-Homework Do-er? Lol... What else? Athletics... LOL! 3 years lax, 2 years waiting on sidelines for varsity. 2 years witout playing more than 30 quarters between JV and V. SWEEEET!. Skills? I am really good with the Plasmagun, Railgun, UMP, USP, AUG, Colt, Rocket Launcher, Mauser, and Glock. I can use weapons from the 40s up to god knows when! I can kill around 100 aliens with only 2 pistols and a lot of ammo without dieing. I can drive a mercedes at 210mph in NY and not crash. I can listen to hours of music. I can sorta code HTML. I can edit film, and produce and be grip. I can sorta use Photoshop. I can sorta be a network admin. I can sorta do absoluetly bs. Oh, I dont cheat. Scholastic or otherwise. I do share homework though :p. I can Paintball pretty good? I can take a shot and keep going. I can take concussions pretty well. I can put my fist through walls when Im pissed. I can punch a tree till my hand bleeds. I can accidentally stab my hand with a knife and keep working on that piece of wood. I can write short stories sometimes. Sometimes, I think I can really do amazing things. Things that most people dream about. I think that I could get shot, fall off a building, get hit by a car, fly, and whatever. I think I can save the world. I dont think I'll get into good enough a college. I dont think I'll get a good enough job. I dont think I'll ever get myself out of the middle of the road. I dont hit squirrels in the road, except this one time. That was an accident. I try to emulate those I am not. This is most noticble with video game heros. Ideal. Stong, and unfailing. The ability to fly. The ability to fight. The ability to know that no matter what you do, where you go, you will not err: you will succeed and do whats right.
I can also fill a whole page with BS about myself. I think you enjoyed this as much as I didnt writing it. I am modest. I hate selling myself to others. I hate lieing about myself. I hate the disapointment others will have about me when they really know me. I hate being just me. I need to be something more. I think you can help me.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 11:56 PM EDT
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Get Fuzzy?
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Shaolin Satellite - Theivery Corporation
Get Fuzzy Monthly Archive
This has got to be the best comic ever :P. Its my kitty, plain and simple.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 10:54 PM EDT
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Monday, October 25, 2004

Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Polar Lights - Chilltopia
I just downloaded the Chilltopia CD, and let me just say its ridiculously good. Its kinda ambient music, but woooow. Amazing. I hung out with steffy today :).

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 9:02 PM EDT
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Sunday, October 24, 2004

SAT Scores
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Weekend - Scooter
The SAT site has be running in a simplified mode since late friday afternoon. The site is now fully functional as of today, but they still have not posted the scores. This is getting a tad annoying :(

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 11:42 AM EDT
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Paintball Video
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Southern Sun-Paul Oakenfold
I am now making an instructional paintball video with my friend Dan Nguyen, and we are going for a 1950s era instructional video feel. The audio is purposefully shitty, and the video is monochrome and has errors. Well see how it goes lol

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 9:36 PM EDT
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Sunday, October 17, 2004

My Benz isn't dieing!
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Can You Hear Me- Ministry of Sound
My benz isn't dieing! It lies! This weekend, I start it up, no rattle, faster than its been in weeks. Still smells like sh-t, but my dad says that is because the gas they use in the winter has some chemical additives that burn weird. So that solves that I guess, though I still wonder wth that rattle was below 2,500rpm. O_O


Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 9:18 PM EDT
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004

My Benz is dieing!
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Adagio For Strings-Samuel Barber
MY BENZ IS DIEING! I think the catalytic converter broke :-x It smells like sulfur, and my car rattles under 2,500 rpm. Its not the tranny, because it still shifts smooth.. This is bad... all that sulfur isnt going where it needs to. Hopefully it doesnt hurt my car tooo much. That would blow.

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 5:19 PM EDT
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Monday, October 11, 2004

Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Truly-Delerium
I have completed my history essay, and now am on slide 5/12 for my presentation on Navarra. I have yet to start my battiato paper on the Greeks, and it most likely will take me all night to do that damn paper. Oh well. Any help/hints leave comments here O_O

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 7:00 PM EDT
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Thursday, October 7, 2004

SAT Class
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Timeless-ATB
Lol... the chillin icon is Ritalyn wtf.. Right now, I should be working on my paper for Mr.Battiato, but Im not feeling the whole greek tragedy vibe now... so ill save it for some other time (along with my spanish project lol). Ach, cant do it now oh well

Posted by scifi/syperzdomain at 8:13 PM EDT
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