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The Great White Throne Judgment

Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone’s name was not found written on the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire. ( Rev 20:11-15)

Greetings! Well this is going to be one of the more serous Bible studies I do because it involves your eternal soul. I have entitled it, “ The Great White Throne Judgment”. Now what is this Judgment that I’m talking about? The Great Throne Judgment (For short) is going to occur after the Seven Year Tribulation when God takes all the Christians of the time and brings them home with Him. Then, once the seven years have taken place, Jesus is going to come down and set up what we call the Millennial Reign on earth (Revelation 20:4) Following this, Satan will be released from the pit and gather all his armies to come up against God and His armies. But, Satan will lose. (Revelation20:7-10) After God has destroyed all of Satan’s armies, the Bible says that the sea, death, and Hell will give up their dead to be judged and all Christians, also. There will be several books that God will be judging people out of. The Lambs Book of Life and the others have no names, but the Bible says that they were judged according to their deeds form these book.(V.13) The Book of Life is the book with all the names of the people who have and haven’t accepted Christ as their personal Savior. And if your name isn’t in that Book then it says that you will be cast into the Lake of Fire! (V.15) Now some of you might say, “ Well what in the world is the book of deeds for?” The Book of Deeds, as I call it, the Bible says that, “… And they were judged every one of them according to their own deeds.” Now this does not mean that if you’re a good person you’re going to Heaven. (Your name has to be in the Book of Life for that) The Book is an account of your whole life (For both Christian and non) and it shows you every chance you had to accept Christ, but didn’t. But for Christians it will show us all the things we should have done, didn’t do, and/or did do for the better of Christ. But for non-Christians it will show that you have no excuses, whatsoever. Because God gives everyone a chance to come and know Him, it’s whether or not you take it. So if you’re never accepted Christ as your Savior and you die, first you will go to hell. Then after Jesus’ reign, you’ll be brought before God at the Great White Throne Judgment, you’ll be judged according to your deeds, shown that you never became a Christian, and that you have no excuses whatsoever! Then you’ll be cast into the Lake of Fire with the Devil, his false prophet, and all people who never became a Christian. Now some of you might say,” I thought your God was a god of love? What kind of god would condemn people to such a place?” To quote Charles Stanley:

“ God did not want to create robots. His idea of the best possible world is one where men love Him (God) and serve Him in their own free will. Don’t you also want your friends, family, and children to love you out of their own choice and not forced to love you?”

So God will never force you into a decision, because it’s your choice where you spend eternity. Some of you still might say,” Why do I want to go to Heaven?” Well, because the God who made you, me, and everything, is there with arms wide-open waiting for you. The Lake of Fire is going to be a dark and desolate place. You’ll forever regret not taking Christ as you Savior. “ But I’m under some sort of an age of accountability and I’m going to Heaven till I turn a certain age”, some say. I have heard this one a lot. If you have ever willingly taken God’s name in vain, cussed, lied, disobeyed your parents, and anything else you knew was wrong, then that is sin. Therefore, God says that NO sinner who has not been forgiven (Ask Jesus as their Savior) can ever enter His Holy Kingdom. Because His Kingdom is one of light, and no darkness can ever enter it. If you this study has applied to you, and you know that if you would die this minute that you would not go to Heaven because you never accepted Christ as your Savior and would like to start a relationship, please pray this prayer: ”Dear Lord, I know I’m a sinner. And, Lord, I believe that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for my sins and that He rose again in three days. Please, Lord, come into my heart and wash away all my sins and save me from hell. Thank You, Lord. And it’s in Your Name I pray. Amen.” If you prayed this prayer, please let me or a pastor know so we can help get you started on your new walk with Christ. This is your chance. Remember, when God opens the books, He’ll come across this day that you’re reading this and say,” You had that day to accept Me and you didn’t”. Remember, there are no excuses with God.

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