Greetings and welcome to this month’s Bible study! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas this year as we celebrated Christ’s birth. But as you know, January 1st marked something. January 1st marked the beginning of a ‘New’ Year. It’s amazing to think that just a little over a year ago we were all concerned about Y2K and its effects. Praise the Lord that He didn’t permit anything to happen.
But getting back to the subject at hand. It’s a ‘New’ Year. This means ‘new’ beginnings, ‘new’ friends, and ‘new’ opportunities. Since we’re talking about things that are ‘new’ and it is a ‘new’ year, I think it’s appropriate to take a look at ‘new’ things. But this won’t be the outlook you might be thinking about. So what I would like to do in the Bible study is show you that there’s really ‘nothing new under the sun’. But to contrast that show you Christians have many new things and places to look forward to, while the world, (i.e. Unsaved) on the other hand, does not. So then, let’s get started!
In Ecclesiastes 1:8-9 the Bible says:
“ All things are wearisome; man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor is the ear filled with hearing.
That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun.”
The writer of this book, believed to be Solomon (David’s son), makes the statement ‘that which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.’ But why would the writer of Ecclesiastes make this statement? I mean, let’s say that Solomon did write this book. Solomon had everything that a man could want. He had wealth, power, food, and, of course, LOTS of woman. Why would Solomon, of all people, make a depressing statement like this when he had everything? Well, because Solomon realized the futility of it all. He realized, in his own words, that ‘there is nothing new under the sun’ (emphasis added). Also, think of the big picture here. What really is ‘new under the sun’? You might say a new day. That’s true, but the general idea is still there: Get up, do work, eat, and go back to bed. You see? The same idea is unchanged and un-new.
What about a new birth? Well, this is a very wonderful thing, and should never tried to be stopped because of ‘inconvenience’; but, once again, having babies has always been here since the first man and woman. I mean, yes, it is a ‘new’ life, but the whole idea of having, raising, caring, and saying goodbye to your child is still there.
What about buying a new car? It’s been done, nothing new about it.
What about getting a new video game? The same concept for that game is the still the same as the last one you bought: win. The idea is unchanged and not new. Anyway, you’ll just get a ‘new’ one after you’re tired with that one and so on.
What about making something that hasn’t been made yet? The same old concept is still there that’s been here forever. That concept is: make things easier so I don’t have to work as hard and have more time for fun things. Or, in simpler terms: convenience and entertainment.
Do you see? The overall idea of things being new is just, in reality, an idea. I mean, everything that you’ve experienced for the first time, tens of thousands of other people have already experienced. You see? The same idea is still there, or ‘that which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.’(Ecc 1:9)
So, in this earthly life, is there anything really ‘new’ to look forward to and experience? I’m talking really new? I mean, what’s the point of living if you don't have anything ‘new’ or exciting to look forward to? Well, the world, (un-saved) really doesn't have anything ‘new to look forward to… But on the other foot, Christians have a bunch of new things to look forward to and experience. What are these ‘new’ things? Let’s take a look and see a few of these ‘new’ things, and I do mean new!
A New Creation
In 2 Corinthians 5:17 the Bible says:
“ Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.”
In this section of the Bible, Paul is telling us that if anyone is in Christ, he’s a new creature. But, what does ‘in Christ’ mean? It’s easy. ‘In Christ’ means anyone who’s accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and repented from their sins. So, what this verse is saying is whoever becomes a Christian is a new creation. The dictionary says that ‘new’ means: ‘something not known before’. So basically, whenever we become a Christian, we become something that’s not been known before. I mean, imagine that one-week one of your friends is in terrible sin and utter rebellion towards God, and then the next week your friend is reading his Bible, giving God praise, and going to church. A prime example of this is the very one who said that we become a new creature when we become saved. That example is Paul. Paul was in total rebellion toward God one week, and then the next, he was proclaiming Jesus in the synagogues (Acts 9:19-20)! No one in the universe ever imagined that Paul would proclaim Jesus, but he did. Paul became something ‘not known before’.
But you might be saying, ‘True, when people become saved they do become something ‘not known before’; but isn’t the whole idea of becoming saved and serving God still there, unchanged and un-new?’ Yes and no. Keep in mind; I’m talking about the world here. The world/un-saved have never ever experienced these things I’m listing, only the saved have. That’s why these things are ‘new’. But since this might not be a good enough example of something ‘new’, here are some more:
New Commands
In John 13:34 the Bible says:
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I (Jesus) have loved you, that you also love one another.”
When we become a Christian, not only do we become new spiritually and all things become new, but also we get a new set of commands and orders. Before we became a Christian, we had only one set of orders. That set of orders was to fulfill the desires of the flesh, or, in other words, sin. But when we become saved, our orders and commands change. No longer do we (or should we) pursue our own sinful desires of the flesh and the like; but rather we start following God’s commands and orders. What orders and commands? Well, Jesus, God’s only Son, gives us one here: Love one another even as Jesus has loved you. How much did Jesus love you? Well, must of all, He died for you. For the world, this is a totally new concept! Why? Because the world is always too busy doing what’s best and looking out for number one that they could care less about other people. So whenever we become saved, not only do we become a new creature spiritually, but we also have a new set of commands and orders. But it’s up to us to follow them.
A New Heaven and Earth
When we become saved, God promises us that we will be rewarded for trusting and following Him. Rewarded with what? He will reward us with eternal life in heaven. But not only did God make us a heaven to go to after we die, but the Bible says in Revelation 21:1 that He is making a new heaven and earth.
“ Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.”
Think about it, something that’s totally new! Something that’s never been seen, experienced, or could even be imagined! Picture in your mind what you think the new heaven and new earth that God is going to make will be like. Do you have a good picture in your mind? Ok, now multiply that picture infinitely and you have a smidgen of what the new earth and heaven will be like! WOW!
Also in Revelation 14:3, John records four creatures praising God with a new song, never before heard. Now, keep in mind that John saw this in the old heaven, not the new one. So if there is singing of new songs in heaven now, how much more there will be when God makes a brand spanking new heaven!
But that’s not all! In Revelation 2:17 , the Bible says that God will give a new name to them who overcome.
“ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, to him I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.” Rev 21:2
Overcomes what, you might wonder? Well, overcoming the world and Satan by becoming saved, and by holding fast to God and His commands when the enemy attacks. Think about this: a new name! A name that’s probably never been heard before. So when we become saved, we become a new creature Spiritually, we get new commands and orders, we have a new heaven and earth to look forward to, with new songs of praise and, if we hold fast and overcome, we get a new name! And finally, after God said that He was going to make a new heaven and earth, He said He was going make all things new.
“ And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ And He said, ‘Write, for these words are faithful and true.’”
So everything is going to be made new and nothing is going to be the same! Heaven is going to be a place where everything is new! That means: Nothing old or known, no old concepts or feelings, and nothing that has ever been experienced before by man. Wow! Just look at all of the new things we become, all the new things get, and all the new things we have to look forward to when we become saved. And these are just a few.
Now my question to you is: why wouldn’t you want to become saved? It’s as easy as 1,2, 3 and all you are required to do is listen and trust God, and then you get to receive all of these things! You’d be silly not to! Everything the un-saved/world have to look forward to is old things and feelings that never satisfy. Why? Because only God can fill that void for good in the un-saved’s life and make all things new for them. Drugs won’t, friends can’t, sex won’t, and false gods can’t. Nevertheless, the unsaved still try these things to fill the void in their life. After a while, drugs, alcohol, and sex get old and then they go to try a ‘new’ thrill but that also becomes old and boring, and off they go again to another temporary thrill or fulfillment. Do you see? The world has no hope and nothing new to look forward to. But Christians have tons of new things to look forward to that are new.
So may question again is: Why wouldn’t you want to come to Christ and be forgiven? And, in turn, you can have a million things new to look forward to? But I can’t make that decision for you, only you can.
So my message to the un-saved is: Come to know Christ (and if you want to know how, call 1-888-Need-Him or e-mail me). And my message to the Christian is: Since we have so many new things to look forward to, we should look to these things and promises with hope, but we should also share these things with our un-saved friends. So let’s go!
And now, I hope you all have a wonderful ‘New’ Year and will always follow God and His ways. To Him be the praise and glory.