Player: punky.chick
Actress: Lucy Lu
Birthdate: March 14th 1968
Place of Birth: San Diego
Height: 5' 3''
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black
Occupation: Sometime thief, has been known to dabble in the less pleasant side of the underworld.
Marital Status: Divorced
Distinguishing Marks/Characteristics: A variety of tats and scars, ask nicely and she'll give you the guided tour.
Family: The Pythons OBC. San Diego based chapter of the Hells Angels.
Education: Graduated high school.
Specialities: Infiltration, intelligence gathering and burglary. A talented spy and thief.
Abilities: See above.
Background: Talia got into the biker scene in high school, initially drawn in by the bad boys. As time went on she got more deeply involved, becoming one of the few women on the 'inside' of the Chapter. She was prepared to do anything for the club, and did, her loyalty unquestioned...until now. She's seen the Pythons go from being dabblers in the underworld to becoming major players, for Talia it has become too much. She divorced her husband, in jail for his involvement, and is now trying to get out of the scene. Only problem is they're not so eager to let her leave, already with a price on her head she has back tracked through her life, seeking out the few people she trusted outside the club. Whilst trying to make contact with her former friend and mentor, Liz Morgan she managed to find herself in more danger than she could have imagined.