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Character Biographies
Character Biographies NOTE:All of the following biographies were taken from The X-Files Offical Game Strategy Guide. The following information is not ours.
Special Agent Fox William Mulder

Special Agent Fox “Spooky” Mulder was on a fast track in the FBI when he took a detour into the paranormal. Convinced through hypnotic regression that his sister was abducted by some unkown power when they were children, he is now obsessed with discovering the truths hidden in the X-Files, a repository for the extraordinary, the unexplained, and the supernatural. Recruited into the Bureau after studying psychology at Oxford, Mulder showed an inclination toward the off-beat from the beginning of his career. His early monograph on serial killers and the occult led to the capture of a notorious murderer. But far from persuing what could have been a stellar career within the Bureau, Mulder chose “the basement office with no heat” where the bureau hides the X-Files. Only his network of contacts in Congress and other halls of power has allowed him to continue his investigation in the face of official indeifference and covert opposition. Opposed by enemies within the Bureau itself and beyond, the only person he can trust absolutely is his partner, Dana Scully.

Special Agent Dana Katherine Scully

Dedicated to objectivity and common sense, but open to extreme possibilities, Special Agent Dana Scully is not only a medical doctor with a specialty in forensics, but a firm believer in reason who thinks there is a scientific explanation behind every X-File. Against her parents’ wishes , Scully went from medical school to Quantico, where she taught for two years at the FBI’s training academy. From there she was assigned to work with Fox Mulder and the X-Files, with the strong implication that she was to debunk them. Over the years that they have worked together, her trust in Mulder’s instincts and her respect for his integrity have eroded her skepticism. She finds her faith in a scientific and orderly universe constantly challenged by the cases she persues with Mulder. Far from being a spy for the bureaucrats who hinder their work, Scully is a full partner in the X-Files, focusing on assembling the hard evidence that will prove the truth is out there.

Assistant Director Walter Sergei Skinner

A stern, no-nonsense ex-Marine, the Bureau’s Assistant Director Skinner has little patience with Fox Mulder’s unorthodox methods of investigation. More than once he has warned Mulder and Scully that their inquiries were crossing into dangerous territory, and once he shut down The X-Files entirely. But when Dana Scully was kidnapped, he reopened them, telling Mulder, “That’s what they fear the most”- without clarifying who “they” are. It’s never clear whose side Skinner is on, or whose orders he takes, but his efforts on behalf of Mulder and Scully “through unofficial channels” have made it plain that he is deeply concerned about his independent-minded agents and their work.

The Cigarette-Smoking Man (aka Cancerman, CSM)
The man behind the cloud of smoke has been involved in the affairs of the X-Files since the day Section Cheif Scott Blevins assigned Dana Scully to “assist” Fox Mulder. His silent presence in Skinner’s office is always a warning that the shadowy goernment attempting to discredit Mulder is again keeping an eye on the nonconformist agent. When not in Skinner’s office, he can be found in the basement of the Pentagon, secreting evidence in a vast storehouse of classified materials.
The tension between Mulder and the CSM has increased steadily as the nameless man with the pack of Morleys increasingly involves himself in Mulder’s work. In “One Breath”, Muler blamed the CSM for the abduction of Dana Scully, and came within a trigger-pull of killing him. In “Anasazi”, we learned that his involvement goes back to the beginning, all the way to fox Mulder’s father. He may be responsible for several attempts on the life of the X-Files agents. His menace may be fading, however, as both the Well-Manicured Man he answers to and Alex Krycek, his tool who has turned against him, threaten to bring upon him a justice Mulder and Scully cannot.