Apply for Our Awards
Apply for Our Awards
Here are our two awards. You may apply for these if you have your own website. (NOTE: The actual award won't have 'Sample' written on it.)
The Millennium Award is given to Philes with sites that have a Shippy theme or a section devoted to Shippers. Anyone can apply with a Shippy theme or section to their site.
As with all awards, we also have a few requirements of your site:
1. No Pornographic material or alot of profanity. NC-17 fan fiction is an exception.
2. Your site must have something Shippy on it.
3. Please sign our guestbook..ya know, to get on our good side. Hehe ;)
That's it! Now, to submit your site to us, just fill out the form below and we should get back to you within a week or two if you have won.
Here is our other award, given out to general X-Files-related sites. All I ask of these sites is that they do not have any pornographic material in them, are not just a page of links, and have some effort put into them. So, if your site meets these requirements, by all means, apply!
Don't forget to specify which award you'd like to win! AND, last but not least, if you have a banner you would like me to put under the winner list, send it to one of us and we'll put it on there for you. Also, I've made a David Duchovny award and Gillian Anderson award for specifically David or Gillian themed sites, but if you have just a plain X-Files Site, you can apply for them too. The reason there aren't any grpahics up on here is because of Angelfire not cooperating with me and refusing to upload the graphics. That doesn't mean you can't apply, though.
Click here to see award winners!