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Trivia Challenge
Trivia Challenge Here is some X-Files trivia. If you have all answers correct, you'll recieve a special award. Send all submissions to


1. When is Dana Scully's birthday?

2. Who played Emily in 'Christmas Carol', 'Emily', and 'All Souls'?

3. What was Mulder's nickname at the FBI Academy?

4. What is the name of the town Mulder and Scully visited in 'Pilot'?

5. In what episode does Cancerman first speak?

6. What song does Scully sing to Mulder in 'Detour'?

7. What is Langley's first name?

8. What movie do Mulder and Scully watch at the end of 'Je Souhaite?

9. Why did so many people make such a big deal out of 'Millennium'?

10. What are the name's of Morris Fletcher's children in 'Dreamland' and 'Dremaland 2'?

11. What was the name of Scully's dog, who gave him to her, and in what episode did he die?

12. What song do Mulder and Scully dance to at the end of 'Post-Modern Prometheus'?

13. What is Walter Skinner's middle name?

14. Who plays Deep Throat?

15. In what episode does Bill Scully die, and is what episode does Bill Mulder die?

16. What is the name of the fictional female lead in The X-Files: the Game?

17. Who plays this character?

18. What is the signifigance of the numbers '1013' and '1121'?

19. What is the signifigance of the drink Iced Tea and the drink Root Beer?

20. What is Mulder usually eating in the show?

That's all we have for now, more to come soon.