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Dead and Gone?

Many of the cast of THE (X) FILES do not last long -- and even those that do can find themselves at death's door any moment.

Some of the characters to depart the show include...

Agent Jeffrey Spender

Agent Spender took over the X-Files after Mulder got the boot.

Immediately prior to the X-Files Feature Film, he was shot, supposedly murdered by his father, the mysterious CSM (Cigarette Smoking Man), in Mulder's basement office.

He had been portrayed on THE (X) FILES by actor Chris Owens.

Krycek and CSM


Known as "Ratboy" by some X-Files fanatics, Krycek first appeared as Mulder's "partner" after Scully was kidnapped by Duane Barry, an escaped mental patient who claimed he was an alien abductee. As Barry drove to Sky Mountain (the supposed site of his abductions) with a bound and gagged Scully in the trunk of his car, Mulder and Krycek searched frantically for them. Little did Mulder know that the young, seemingly inexperienced Krycek was actually a dangerous double agent working for the shadowy Cigarette Smoking man.

How times change. Since then, Krycek has shot Scully's sister, apparently shot Mulder's father, lost an arm in Russia, escaped car bombs, been infected by the alien "black oil" substance, and tried to teach Spender to "make the sacrifices" needed to be a man like his father (Krycek ended up doing Spender's work for him by killing an alien spy when Spender failed to do so).

Eventually, Krycek emerged as a character often playing any side he wanted in order to benefit, a mercenary of sorts. His ultimate demise came as a shock to fans everywhere. Krycek first helped Scully escape from Nilly Miles, an alien abductee turned alien killing machine, in Season Eight's finale -- only to try killing Mulder in the second part of said finale! Fortunately for Mulder, Skinner shot Krycek instead, in a drawn out, grizzly scene.

CSM, or the mysterous Cigarette Smoking Man [alternatively called "cancer man"] was eventually revealed as CGB Spender, father of Agent Spender and a key force in the Syndicate, that shadowy cabal of dark-suited men who plotted with aliens for years to exterminate humanity to save their own skins in the event of the expected alien invasion.

CSM supposedly died in the Season Seven finale when Krycek pushed him down the stairs. He was portrayed on the show by actor William B. Davis.

Alien Bounty Hunter

Seen here holding a gun to Scully's head, the alien bounty hunter has the ability to alter his shape so he can disguise himself as anyone. Supposedly the only way to kill him is to stab him in the back of the neck with a peculiar stabbing weapon shaped like a needle... But early in Season Eight Scully killed the Bounty Hunter with a lucky shot from a pistol.

The very end of that episode showed us more bounty hunters, all alike, presumably clones, taking orders.

The alien bounty hunter is portrayed on THE (X) FILES by actor Brian Thompson.


Some other characters who are no longer around:

Mulder's father, Mulder's Mother, Scully's sister, Agent Pendrell, Deep Throat, "X", the Well-Manicured Man, the First Elder and the rest of the Syndicate, Donnie Pfaster, the serial killer who kidnapped Scully twice, first in "Irresistable" and then in the follow-up episode, and sundry other villains.


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