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R.I.P. Agent Fox Mulder?


Mulder: Date of ?death? 2/25/01 ...?

Did Mulder die in last night's ep? It looks like it. But let's hope not!


Since the show First aired on Friday Nights Mulder, AKA David Duchovny, helped bring it to life. Let's hope he is not dead -- and remember him well if he is.

The Episode 13 of Season Eight left us wondering. Mulder's seemingly dead body had been discovered by a horrified Scully. When Scully runs to get the one man who could possibly save Mulder, she finds him beamed aboard a UFO (presumably the same one that dropped the ?dead? Mulder's body.

The old saying is if you don't see the body he isn't dead.

But in THE X-FILES, viewers have come to discover that even a body is no proof of an ultimate demise, as witness see episodes such as Redux II where Mulder supposedly shot himself. And the existence of a body might not just be due to fakery; indeed, injury and death may often be real enough; in the last episode where Mulder is found, you will recall that several people are healed by the mysterious Smith before he is beamed aboard the UFO at the end.

But it seems that with Smith's departure, Scully's hope of reviving Mulder via supernatural forces has run dry.

SO IS HE DEAD ? It would appear so. But looks can be decieving. In typical X-Files style, Chris Carter and Company have left us hanging, with the episode marked only as "To Be Continued." Fans, let's all tune in next time and find out.

Without Mulder....?

What would THE X-FILES be like without Mulder? Well so far this season he has had but token spots. However, the hope that he was alive has kept Scully (and many viewers) going. It was, after all, the interaction between Scully and Mulder that lit up the screen and brought life to the much-applauded storylines.

I do not doubt the abilities of Scully or the acting abilities of the woman who portrays her, Gillian Anderson. Both have shown they are fully capable to deal with any situation even if Scully has gotten more emotional this season (understandably so considering Mulder had been missing so long...). But the M & S Moments made the X-Files, and there can't be more of those without Mulder.

Mulder, if you are dead, rest in peace -- and live forever in the minds of fans, and, of course, in the mind of Agent Scully.

And if you aren't dead, come back quick!

UPDATE [added April 8, 2001] Mulder is NOT dead as we found out April 1st.

More stuff is coming to Elvis' X-Files Site! Elvis is workin' on it, gimme a break,Mulder may not be dead but I am!


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