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Triangle -- pics

A few photos from the episode "Triangle" which had Mulder and Scully in a dream-sequence of events aboard a World War Two ocean liner... Mulder and Scully kissed in this one, which might 've made all the 'shippers happy -- until she punched him in the mug!


M&S Confront WWII Bad Guys...

Scully was an undercover agent protecting an Allied weapons scientist and Mulder a shipwrecked survivor pulled aboard to face off against World War Two-era Germans in this dream-like ep which took place on a ancient ocean liner.

Scully, vintage 1939!

A very cool and secret-agenty Scully doesn't recognize Mulder when he is transported thru time to 1939 and dropped in the middle of a shipboard war -- with the future of the free world at stake!


It's okay to be an X-Files freak. Hey, if a dead rock-and-roll legend can love The X-Files anyone can!


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