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1776 (1972)

Genre: Historical type musical
Review #: 11

Directed by...Peter H. Hunt
Written by...Peter Stone
William Daniels (I)...John Adams
Howard Da Silva...
Ken Howard (I)...Thomas Jefferson
Donald Madden...John Dickinson
John Cullum (I)...Edward Rutledge
Roy Poole...Stephen Hopkins
David Ford (I)...John Hancock
Ron Holgate...Richard Henry Lee
Ray Middleton...Col. Thomas McKean
William Hansen...Caesar Rodney
Blythe Danner...Martha Jefferson
Virginia Vestoff...Abigail Adams
Emory Bass...James Wilson
Ralston Hill...Charles Thomson
Howard Caine...Lewis Morris
Patrick Hines...Samuel Chase
William Duell...Andrew McNair
Daniel Keyes...Dr. Josiah Bartlett
Leo Leyden...George Read
Stephen Nathan...Courier
Jonathan Moore...Lyman Hall
James Noble...Rev. John Witherspoon
John Myhers...Robert Livingston
Rex Robbins...Roger Sherman
Charles Rule...Joseph Hewes
Now lets take a look at what we've got here... It's a musical based on the events leading up to the writing of the Declaration of Independence... ooookaaayyyy. The main character is John Adams, who has been pushing for independence for quite some time now, because he's from Massachusetts, where the fighting has already broken out. The hard part, and most of the conflict in the movie, come from the other congressmen who oppose independence. So, John has to convince all of the others, especially the southern ones. He has to write a formal declaration with wording that's acceptable to everyone.There's the added problem that his only supporter in congress is sleepy old Ben Franklin, and some congressmen will reject his proposal outright, just because he wrote it. So he needs somebody else to write it.
So, what kind of a musical has this sort of plot? Not much of one. There aren't very many songs at all, but they do serve to break up some of the monotony of this movie, and do add some great laughs. The songs are also very memorable, and quite good. In my opinion, this movie really should have had a lot more songs, as they tend to move the plot forward as much as they enterain. I do recommend the movie, but only marginally. Some people love this movie, but I found it a bit boring. The dialog seems to be a bunch of words between songs, and nothing more. Sometimes, it even feels like the plotpoints are repeating themselves. If you're a history buff and a lover of musicals, then rent this. Otherwise, just go rent Kiki's Delivery Service or Singin in the Rain.
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