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Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals (1994)

Rating:  **½
Genre: Anime Sword-and-Sorcery
MPAA: YRV (I think it should be PG)
Review #: 6
English Language Version 1997
This anime is based on the game 'Final Fantasy 5', which wasn't released in America, but is one of the best in the series. This Anime is actually a sequel to the game, and takes place over 200 years later. I guess that the worst part of the anime is the very dark future that it provides for two of the game's characters, Cid and his grandson Mid. In the plot of the game, the elements of the world are controlled by four crystals. The Water Crystal keeps the water pure, the Wind Crystal keeps the wind blowing, etc. In the game, you go on a quest to protect these crystals. You don't have to know anything about the game to enjoy this anime, as the game's characters are only mentioned a couple of times, and the plot point about Prettz and Linaly being descendants of Butz seems to be an afterthought.
The plot goes like this: The Crystals of Fire, Water and Earth have disappeared, and Linaly's Grandfather is about to go to the Shrine of the Wind to protect the Crystal of Wind. He's too old, and Linaly offers to go in his place. He reluctantly agrees, but gives her a magical ear ring which he can use to communicate to her with. A boy from her village, Prettz, follows her out into the desert, because he's attracted to her. Prettz is very heroic and good with a sword, but he doesn't exactly think things through. Prettz's dumb deeds of derring-do are the main source of comic relief in the anime. When they reach the Wind Shrine, the Crystal merges with Linaly, and causes her rear-end to glow. Along the way, they are waylaid by the pirate Rouge in her air ship, who in the end, joins the group.
Along the way, they are waylaid by the pirate Rouge in her air ship, who in the end, joins the group. They are meet a 200 year old ghost named Mid, who knows the identity of the evil forces that seek the crystals. In addition, they are joined by a particular member of The Iron Wing, a famous military unit, when he falls for the pirate Rouge. I guess opposites do attract.

There really aren't too many surprises in this one, but it is fun to watch. I guess that the main thing that turned me off was the incredibly disturbing fate of Mid, shortly after the end of 'Final Fantasy 5'. Other than that, it's quite exciting, very funny in places, and will keep your attention. This is a story in four parts, with two parts per tape. I get free rentals, but it would still be a fun rental (even if you do have to pay). In what other anime do they bludgeon the bad guy using several hundred bald chocobos?
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