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Mr. Nice Guy (1997)

Rating: ***
Genre: Jackie Chan
MPAA: PG-13 for non-stop action
Review #: 19

Directed by...Sammo Hung Kam-Bo
Written by...Fibe Ma
Written by...Edward Tang
Jackie Chan...Jackie
Richard Norton...Giancarlo
Miki Lee...Miki
Karen McLymont...Lakisha
Gabrielle Fitzpatrick...Diana
Vince Poletto...Romeo
Barry Otto...Baggio
Rachel Blakely...Sandy
Joyce Godenzi...First woman catching food
Sammo Hung Kam-Bo...Cyclist
Robert Lowe...Giancarlo's Man
David No...Victor
I respect Roger Ebert. I really do. I feel that he is really good at his job, and I respect the sheer number of movies that he's reviewed. I rarely agree with him, but I feel that he often makes a lot of very good points. He has said that you have to view Jackie Chan movies in the same light as all of those old Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies. The plot only strings together the very choreographed dance routines, and those routines are the entire point of the movie. I completly agree with him. This movie is the finest example that I've seen so far! I've seen some of Jackie's older movies, and I must say that I like a lot of the newer ones a whole lot better. They have so much more action, and much more creativity too boot. A lot of people loved "Rumble in the Bronx", but I'd rather watch this one any day.
As just about all of us know from the publicity for "Rumble in the Bronx", Jackie does all of his own stunts, and what stunts they are! Of course, the movie isn't very serious either. It seems to focus on physical comedy, and really quick jokes. The other amazing thing about Jackie Chan is that any one of the several thousand tiny stunts that he accomplishes in this movie is well beyond my physical ability, and probably yours too. Of course, Jackie is able to use a ton of energy on a throwaway stunt, such as that one with the moving bus on the left, and could probably still power a city using a human-sized hamster wheel. What is the plot? Well, it's something about a drug war, and two rival gangs who both want an incriminating video tape, or something like that. Jackie plays the ultimate TV chef, sort of a "Yan Can Kick Ass".
Any one of the stunts that he performs are the kind of stuff you could expect from Van Damme or Seagal, but where a normal action hero would only do one or two really impressive stunts, Jackie literally does several thousand. They are also wildly creative, and it always seems like Jackie is constantly escaping his enemies by a mixture of fighting, running, hiding, and tons of luck. He doesn't just overpower his enemies, like most action heroes. It's easy to see why he's called "The Clown King of Action", he really is a just a big physical comedian. Remember that movie where Charlie Chaplin hung onto the hands of a giant clock? It's not difficult to imagine Jackie doing the same stunt, except that Jackie would probably by hanging from an actual clock tower.
It's tough to not love this movie. Just sit back and grin.
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