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When The Cat's Away (1996)

Chacun cherche son chat (1996)

Rating: *
Genre: French
MPAA: NR (Should be R, because of a strong sex scene, and language)
Review #: 18
English Language Version 1997

Directed by...Cédric Klapisch
Writing credits...Cédric Klapisch
Garance Clavel...Chloé
Zinedine Soualem...Djamel
Renée Le Calm...Madame Renée
Olivier Py...Michel
Romain Duris...Drummer
Nicolas Koretzky...Photographer's Assistant
Andrée Damant...Madame Dubois
Estelle Larrivaz...Flo the hairdresser
Camille Japy...Victoire
Marine Delterme...Model
Hélène de Fougerolles...Model
Liane Leroy...Model
Jane Bradbury...Model
Marie Riva...Publicist
Frederic Aufray...Photographer
Philippe Garcia...Assistant Stylist
Simon Abkarian...Carlos
Antoine Chappey...Drunk guy
Jacqueline Jehanneuf...Madame Henriette
Madeleine Marie...Woman who gets lost
This movie completly failed to entertain me. I thought that, considering how well it rents at my video store, and that the box described it is a "Purr-fect Comedy", I might enjoy it. I was wrong. I didn't go into it expecting to laugh, all I expected was to be entertained and maybe smile a little. After I was done watching, I even went and looked at what real critics said about this movie, because I thought that maybe I'd missed the point of the movie. They all loved it, but for reasons that completly evaded me. Maybe I don't get French films, but I thought it neither deep nor moving, and I thought that none of the characters were at all interesting. In fact, watching this movie was a real chore, and it forced me to give my first one-star review since I started this page. I didn't even like this movie as a drama. I feel that for drama to be effective, you have to care about or relate to at least one of the characters. These characters don't even come close.
In this movie, the main character is a girl named Chloé, who has a cat and a gay room mate. When she goes on vacation, Chloé can't find anybody to watch her cat for her, except for the local cat-lady, who she's refered to by a long string of people. When she comes back from her vacation, Chloé finds that her cat has run away. Naturally, she wants her cat back, so she goes looking, and meets a bunch of characters who are semi-interesting at best, and gets into dumb misadventures, like when she meets the guy who has been bugging the entire neighborhood by playing his drums, and then jumps into bed with him, only to find out afterward that he's a jerk. Must be a french thing. The only characters who came anywhere close to being interesting were Madam Renée and her network of cat-ladies, or biddynet. They also provide the best (relativly speaking of course) scene, in which a cat-lady calls up Chloé and tries to talk to her, because she's lonely, but Chloé just gets rid of her.
The real critics said that the movie was about how Chloé has a big hole in her life, which she tries to fill with her cat, and only notices how big that hole is when the cat's away. I agree, but I feel that Chloé's main problem is that she's a loser. Chloé may be trying to fill that hole, but flirting with guys in a bar while wearing a sexy dress, and then getting upset when they come on to her really seems like the actions of an complete idiot. Her problems are all her fault, and maybe they seem interesting in France, but to me she's just asking for it. Maybe that's the point of the movie: That you can't blame anyone else for all of the bad stuff that happens to you, much like how I can't blame anyone but myself for renting this movie.
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