It was really quite easy. Don had rigged the phone so that if you don’t hit any numbers before “send” it automatically rings the lair…. Oh please work. Mike, get your sick butt off the couch and answer the phone.!! The girl across from Oyuki looked at her like she was crazy. This poor girl was obviously ready to flip out at any given moment. And that would not be good. Finally, very quietly, a voice came through the purse. The other girl looked at the purse, then at Oyuki, then the men on the other side of the bank, waving around their guns, presently in complete control. Oyuki waved her hand slightly to ease the girl’s fears and say that those guys could not hear this. Tess sighed. This chick was odd. Now she was talking to someone on apparently some cell phone. Why not dial 911? Oyuki whispered through clenched teeth. “Honey-I’m in the National bank on 15th and Broadway. There’s a slight problem….Could you-” The men walked over towards where the girls sat. Oyuki subtly stopped talking and set her purse down, turning off the phone. A man with a knife glanced at them and then turned and went the other way. Oyuki smiled at the obviously shaken girl. “Don’t worry. Everything will be ok.” Tess smiled slightly. “I HATE this city. I don’t know why I had to go to school here. I’m from small town USA. God, I wish one of my friends were here right now. He could definitely fix this situation…..” “Well when my friends get—“ The sound of sirens cut off Oyuki’s attempt to comfort this girl. “Shit!” The head of this group yelled. “Will! Grab a hostage. Let’s show these guys we mean business!” “Dammit Frank, we were supposed to be out of here five minutes ago!” “I know, just do it!!” Tess watched as an older aged Asian man was taken and led to the front window. “Oh, no.” The girl across from her whispered. “John you too. Grab somebody! Go to the other window!” Tess went limp and could not resist the urge to cry out as she felt herself being lifted by her hair. Her face became even with a man’s hidden by a dark mask. Although masked she could still hear his heavy breathing and smell his breath. “Just do whatever I tell you to, honey.” His voice came like a growl. Tess couldn’t scream. She barely recognized the small barely existent cry that came with every one of her breaths. As the man led her to the window, she made an attempt to take control of herself. Don’t let them have the satisfaction of knowing how scared and helpless you really are. Outside the window many News vans had begun to arrive. As Tess closed her eyes and tried to steady herself, she made an attempt to smile…’Well Tess, at least you’re going to be on TV.” Not too far away…. “Donnie suit up, now!” Mike ran in to their bedroom, carrying three bags. He was already in full gear. He tossed one bag at Don. “What’s up?” Don asked as he put on the bandanna. Mike left and returned again. He tossed a bo in his direction. “Don’t know. O called, I think a bank is getting robbed.” “Oh.” Don slowed down for a second. “With Oyuki inside!” Mike Stuck two sai in his belt. He handed the Katanas to Don. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of the others.” I think they are at April’s getting me medicine, but no one is picking up. I have no idea why O is at some bank. She was with them. Let’s swing by real quick and see what’s up. I’m under the weather, you’ve been up studying all last night for whatever. We’re going to need to find our heavy hitters. Let’s go!” Don blinked a few times before following Mike. That attitude was a bit out of character….. They were stopped short by a voice behind them. “Michaelangelo is right. I am coming with you, also.” “But Sensei…” “I will go straight to the bank. You go to the apartment and find Leonardo and Raphael.” And not too far away from there……. April looked down the hall. “Clear.” Two figures ran from the stairwell to the door of April O’neil’s apartment. Raph grinned. “So how much fun do you think Oyuki is having with our suave ‘uncle’?” Leo began to answer back, but then got an odd look on his face. Raph looked up. “What’s up?” “Don’t know got a weird feeling.” April walked over to the blinking red light on her phone and pressed it.…Hey guys, this is Mike. I thought O was with you, but I guess she’s not. She’s in some trouble at the National bank on the corner. You’re not there, but Donnie and me are coming up with your gear. We’ll stop by asap. If you’re not there, I guess we’re well out of luck…. Leo and Raph looked at each other as sirens blared loudly on the street. Mike rapped on the window, then opened it. Donnie followed him in. Leo swung around. “Mike, what’s going on?” “Bank’s getting held up.” He removed the sai from his belt and handed it to Raph, along with his headband and pads. “Oh no! Oyuki and Hiroshi!” April put her hand on her forehead. “Hiroshi!!??” Mike and Don turned at the same time. “Yeah, long story, let’s go!” Raph ran out the window. “Hmn.” Leo followed him. Mike walked up next to him. “Hiroshi’s here?” “Yeah, found us through April” “Oh.” “That’s probably why Splinter decided to go directly to the bank.” “Splinter’s at the bank?!” “Yeah, don’t worry Leo, the man knows how to take care of himself." Leo sighed. They walked the block to the bank and hid in the shadows of a nearby alley. “They have Hiroshi as a hostage.” Raph noted darkly, pointing. “Wait, there’s another one too, look!” Mike noted the large window on the other side. Leo looked up and gasped. “Oh my God, Tess!!” Chapter 9 coming soon.