Three aliens in the body of nuns observe human behavior. Two men engage in an argument, while another man steals an old woman's purse- and no one tries to help her. Also, two boys beat up a younger, scrawny kid. The Commander informs the Advocacy that their scientists have studied the humans and learned that they are hopelessly combative. They say that there is a large probability that the human race will eliminate itself as a direct result of tribal warfare. The Advocacy state that what they need is direct action not subtletly. The Commander says that direct intervention has failed them time and time again. Advocate Xana counters and states that it would be more accurate to say that it is the Commander who has failed them. Advocate Oshar warns the Commander he must not fail them again. Meanwhile, at the Cottage, the team watch a news report of a flight of Russian scientists and delegates flown in for the monumental U.S./Russia disarmament conference. Ironhorse is against it, because he believes that the Russians are all to ready to invade America- Suzanne debates him and says that his view of the world is "warped". Norton finds humor in all of this and asks if anyone would care to discuss religion now. Meanwhile, Mrs. Pennyworth tells Harrison he has a phone call. The caller is Dr. Katia Roadna- one of the scientists from Russia there for the summit. She also is a former flame of Harrison's. She asks Harrison if they meet somewhere, as KGB agent, Valery Kedrov- grows suspicious of Roadna's alliances. At the same time, a group of technicians at the Santa Clarita Nuclear Plant have their bodies taken over by three aliens. The possessed technicians enter the plant and steal fusion material for the bomb they intend to build to start a war among the humans. Back at the Cottage, Harrison leaves as Ironhorse grows suspicious also of what Harrison is up to. Harrison offers no real answer and leaves. Harrison meets with Katia and from a far distance, Ironhorse takes photos of their meeting. He then notices that Kedrov is also taking pictures of the meeting. Ironhorse snaps pics of Kedrov, who sees Ironhorse- and snaps pics of him in return. When Ironhorse looks back, Harrison and Katia are gone. At the cavern, the Advocacy ask the Commander if he's making progress. The Commander informs them that the fabrication of a nuclear device is simple. Xana asks if he is still certain that placement of this device will start open tribal warfare. The Commander says he would stake his existence on it. Xana corrects him and tells him that he stakes their existence on it. The Commander and some other aliens continue to work on the bomb. As Ironhorse is still prying into the whole Dr. Katia Roadna situation, Norton tells Suzanne and Ironhorse of a theft of 12 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium in front of twenty eye-witnesses. The Commander hands one of the alien soldiers the bomb and tells him that he is to give the device to those who will be responsible for its placement. And that nothing must interfere with the plans of it being placed in the proper location. Ironhorse is livid and tells Suzanne and Norton that since 1980, Harrison has had a girlfriend who no one knew about. One who is a very important Russian scientist. Kedrov checks Roadna's hotel room- only to find no one there. At the Cottage, Ironhorse speculates that perhaps, Harrison defected and Suzanne says that Ironhorse has no grounds to make that accusation. Harrison returns and introduces them to Katia. Meanwhile, a police officer stops the van with the possessed van. He orders them out of the truck, but one of the aliens takes over the officer's body. At the Cottage, Harrison tells Ironhorse that Katia wants to defect and Ironhorse is strongly opposed to the whole idea. Harrison tries to plead his cause but Ironhorse tells him that this is larger than just one person. The aliens meanwhile, place the bomb in the van outside of where the summit will be held. The soldiers report to the Advocacy that approximately ten million humans will be destroyed. "That's all?" Xana asks. The soldiers assure the Advocates that this is merely a first test to see how effective the bomb will be. Xana congratulates them and tells them they have done much to advance their cause. Advocate Horek then says they must plan for the future and decide which area to bomb next if all goes well. Oshar suggests that on the East Coast, a bomb in the "cesspool called New York" will be the beginning of the end for the human race. However, the parking meter runs and the tickets begin to pile up for the parked van. Ironhorse tells him that the answer is no regarding Katia being able to defect. Harrison threatens to quit but Ironhorse will not budge and says that he spoke to General Wilson and the Project will go on with or without Harrison. When the parking meter attendant calls for a tow truck for the van, the bomb is discovered. Harrison talks to Katia about her being not able to defect. She tells him that she knows he wouldn't have quit anyway and that they should spend the time, making the best of things. They enter the Cottage and come upon news of a bomb being placed outside the summit. Katia inquires if Harrison knew anything about this and he informs her of what they really do. Ironhorse has everybody ready to evacuate but Katia says that she wants to disarm the device. Ironhorse is weary about it, but eventually gives in. The three make their way back to the site and Katia disarms the timer, and gradually the device. Katia is allowed to stay in the United States but she declines saying she won't be in any trouble because she turned out to be an international hero. She also says that she knows of scientists who will be interested in knowing about the aliens and she will help in leading the anti-movement over there. Back at the cavern, a dejected Commander admits that he underestimated the humans will to survive and the Advocacy assure him that at least he can take comfort in the fact that his efforts will be remembered. The Commander then commits suicide by plummeting from a cliff inside the cavern. Then the Advocates ask the new Commander of what plans he has to rid the Earth of the human species. The new Commander is the police officer who was possessed earlier. COMMENTS: The funniest in-joke on the show was in the credits once again. This episode was supposedly written by Sylvia Van Buren- which is an obvious pseudoynm. Either that or Sylvia is getting awfully creative when she's not having panic attacks about aliens or assorted phenomenon. I thought the scariest moment was when the possessed officer lifted up the little girl so she could pay the fee for the meter for him. It was humorous and scary in a way. I was afraid he was going to drop the poor child. It was a rather innocent moment that was filled with creepiness. I must say Harrison was rubbing me the wrong way at certain points in the episode. Why would he go so far as to threaten to pull out of the Project? It was an obvious tactic to call Ironhorse's bluff- but it made me wonder why Harrison did that at all. And the poor Commander. I really wanted to feel bad for him- he was just a cocky underling who wanted to please the Advocacy, but he really should have thought things out more. I was impressed by the detail of the look of the aliens when the bomb was being built. Kudos to Bill Sturgeon.